Tuesday 18 December 2012

mummys turn to stay

Maisie slept well through the night on the higher levels of oxygen until about 4am when Daddy woke her for a feed. Maisie didn't appreciate being disturbed as becoming active requires more oxygen and she became wheezy again. Maisie was wheezy on and off throughout the day.

The consultant came to see Maisie. It was decided that Maisie would stay in for a least another night so that she can be observed and to see if there is an infection that's causing the breathing problems.

Maisie seemed to manage well on a high level of oxygen but ideally it should be lower to go home. It will be turned down gradually until a level is found that the consultant is happy with, that's if her wheezing doesn't get worse.

The symptoms could show tomorrow (day 4) - but we're praying that Maisie doesn't get worse overnight.

Yesterday the nurses did "suction" on Maisie's nose and airways to clear them of mucus and also to get a sample to be sent away. This will tells us whether Maisie has a chest infection or not. The results will be back late Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning.

Daddy thinks that Maisie is just exhausted and doesn't have an infection.  Let's hope he's right.

There is good news too; Maisie fed well again today and the dietitian spoke with Daddy to say that she was really happy with Maisie's growth last week . Maisie put on over 200g and weighs 4.57kg or 10lbs. This is the same weight that Zach was when he was born.

Imagine how well Maisie would have grown if she hadn't been so sick.

Daddy spent last night and all day with Maisie so its Mummys turn to stay and  keep Maisie company tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Maisie is so good. Poor wee thing, having suction on her nose and airways must have been very unpleasant although the after effects beneficial. It is good news that she has put on weight and once she is over this bit she'll be back home to enjoy the Christmas tree and all the fun. lots of love, Win x
