Friday 28 December 2012

a long day getting home

Daddy packed up the car with all Maisie's presents but before leaving for Scotland there was one more person to visit; Aunty Carole (one of Grans best friends) who was desperate to give Maisie a cuddle.

"Aunty Carole gives great cuddles!" 

Then it was on the road back up to Scotland. It was a busy day on the roads and there were quite a few traffic jams which Maisie didn't enjoy. It is a joy driving with Maisie when the car is "making progress" but in slow moving traffic Maisie gets very bored and even her brother and sister couldn't manage to keep her attention - Maisie was grumpy - not fun. 

Maisie fed very well today - her appetite is growing but she was tired from the long journey so decided to stop off at Uncle Douglas and Aunty Margaret's for a wee snooze while everyone else had a hearty feed from Uncles big spread that he'd laid on. 

Aunty Eleanor and Uncle Carl were also there so Maisie got more cuddles.

Proud Aunty and Uncle 

Then it was the final leg of the journey. Maisie had some supper when she got home and went straight to sleep - she was happy to be back in her own cot at last. 

1 comment:

  1. The best bit about Christmas! Getting home to your own bed with the loot. A very happy Christmas to Maisie and all the family. Love Gerald, Alison, Catriona and Ruairidh XXX
    PS "slow moving traffic" is, of course, a relative term.
