Wednesday 31 October 2012

brave girl

Maisie had a busy morning. She was playing on her baby gym mat one minute and when Daddy turned to check on her Maisie had managed to pull herself across the mat and onto the carpet. Daddy will need to have a more watchful eye going forward.

There were also stories to be read. Maisie has been given a couple of new books; Curious George's Happy Halloween which we hope doesn't give Maisie nightmares as it was all about ghosts and witches. Maisie also got baby's very first black and white book.

Maisie was really taken by the large black and white animals in the book. The black and white gives the highest contrast  to the eye and so appears very visible and attractive to Maisie.

Maisie also had her booster jabs today. Maisie was a brave girl and barely cried.

It was a long day and Maisie fell asleep early;

what a big smile - what can Maisie be dreaming of? 

Tuesday 30 October 2012

baby massage

A healthcare professional visited Mummy and Daddy and gave them a lesson in baby massage .

There are many physical and psychological  benefits of baby massage; aiding digestion, improves weight gain, leads to better sleep, accelerates brain development,  improving circulation, easing teething pain and bonding.

As you can see Maisie will benefit from baby massage in lots of ways. Mummy is hoping that it will aide Maisie's digestion and help with her discomfort, colic and constipation.

It also has benefits for Mummy and Daddy; bonding, understanding Maisie's cues to what she wants, relaxation. Daddy is really hoping that it will lead to better sleep not only for Maisie but for him too.

This first lesson focused on the legs and tummy. Maisie will get massages every night at bath time and also during the day with nappy changing. This will keep Mummy and Daddy very busy.

Maisie will no doubt be in need of a bit of massage therapy tomorrow after she has her booster injections.

Monday 29 October 2012

back on track

Maisie was visited by the health visitor for her weekly weigh in - Maisie is back on track with her growth putting on a good weight over the last week.

Maisie now weighs 8lb 6oz - 3.82kgs. This should please her dietitian.


Sunday 28 October 2012

little rest

It's been a long few days for Maisie having her cousins to visit and she coped very well with all the attention that she got. 

Unfortunately it has not all been enjoyable for my Amazing Maisie as her hernia continues to pop out causing her great discomfort. It is happening more frequently and so long as it keeps popping back in there is still nothing that can be done until the surgeon is seen on the 9th November. 

The length of time that it pops out for varies and can last for an hour or so. Not fun for Maisie nor Mummy and Daddy especially when it's during the night.

Poor wee Maisie had several episodes of the hernia coming out today and unfortunately had very little rest. Mummy had a tough day. Maisie had a bath and a big feed just before bedtime and settled down well. Let's hope that she has a good nights sleep. 

Her unrest during the day could of course be due to missing her cousins giving her lots of attention; 

The youngest generation of Crokers 
Don't worry Maisie you'll see Charlie and Gracie at Christmas

a close call for Maisie

No snow so no snowball fight so needed to find something else to do so;

Daddy saved Maisie from an Alligator attack............
But unfortunately..................

Big sister Meghan was taken by a shark.........

Uncle Jim tired to save her however...........

Uncle Jim got eaten too.

Not sure how this all happened but quite worryingly Maisie seems rather pleased with herself....

"I love it when a plan comes together" 

Friday 26 October 2012


Maisie didn't sleep too well, partly due to the excitement of her cousins visiting and partly due to her hernia popping out frequently throughout the night - it was a long night especially for Daddy.

This didn't stop Maisie spending the day playing with her cousins Charlie and Gracie. There was lots to do; after a big breakfast there were noisy toys to play with to entertain Maisie and irritate the adults followed by Charlie doing his usual shooting of everyone and everything.

Gracie was a little more attentive making sure that Maisie was happy with a particularly noisy teddy bear although we're not to sure that Gracie was teaching Maisie the correct words to some of the songs - Teddy wouldn't be singing about bogies up his nose would he?

Maisie, Daddy, Charlie, Gracie and Megan spent the afternoon having an adventure; it started with playing on the swings, watching a thousand or so geese land in the next field, filling Gracie's wellington boots with water from a big puddle and then losing Megan's ball.

a wee rest before the dash home to miss the rain
There was a ruin to explore, cliffs to climb, molehills to dig up and a bridge to throw Megan's spare ball from - it was a busy afternoon.

Everyone was looking forward to dinner which was followed by nice hot baths and an earlyish night.

Gracie helping to bathe Maisie
The forecast says snow so tomorrow it could be Maisie's first snowball fight.

Thursday 25 October 2012

proud uncle

It was back to the hospital for Maisie to see the eye doctor again. The eye doctor says that the pictures taken on Tuesday are the best pictures of ROP that have ever been taken.

Unfortunately the pictures show that the right eye is still active and the ROP may be creeping back albeit very slowly - it would be an easy fix though using the laser treatment if the ROP does get worse. The left eye is however looking good. We'll just have to wait and see what will happen - the next appointment is in two weeks back at Optos.

Maisie was very happy to meet her proud Uncle Jim!

Maisie had a really enjoyable day as her cousins Charlie and Gracie came to visit. It was amazing to eventually met them and thank them personally for all the picture they have drawn for Maisie. It's going to be a fun weekend.

Maisie is sure it will be a lot more fun than helping Daddy tidy out his office;

"Daddy are you sure that you need my help?"

sleep, sleep and more sleep

Maisie has spent a lot of today sleeping, some may call it being lazy however others call it growing. Maisie seems to be changing shape so it is most likely growing. There are signs of a neck appearing out of Maisie's chin which previous to today connected directly to her body.

Daddy thinks that she spent so much time sleeping as she was catching up on all the sleep she missed last night keeping Daddy awake.

There were no jags today as the injector had a bit of a cold and so Maisie decided that she could wait until next week. The Community Nurse visited today and is very happy with Maisie's progress.

Mummy and Daddy mentioned that Maisie was all snifferly with a bunged up nose. It was decided that it may be due to the dryness of the oxygen that Maisie is breathing in as other than that she is fine. At the hospital Maisie's oxygen came through a humidifier. A Doctor will hopefully pop by just to confirm that this is the case.

Maisie is really excited about meeting her cousins tomorrow let's hope that this doesn't stop her sleeping during the night!

Wednesday 24 October 2012

photo time

Maisie popped into the hospital today and saw a couple of nurses, Maisie wasn't sure if it was really the hospital or if she was having more flashbacks.

After Maisie and Daddy had visited the hospital for some eye drops their adventure continued with a trip to Dunfermline, more specifically to a company called Optos.

Optos was founded in 1992 after the owners then 5 year old son went blind in one eye when a retinal detachment was detected to late.

Although his son was having regular eye exams, routine exams were uncomfortable, especially for a child, which made it impossible for the doctor to conduct a complete exam and view the entire retina.

They set out to commercialize a patient-friendly retinal image product that encompassed a digital widefield image of the retina in a single capture. As the owner told us; after 20 years and £20 million funding they are now The retina company.  You can find out more at if you're interested.

It was a very exciting day for Maisie's eye doctor as this would be able to show how Maisie's eye procedure had affected Maisie's eyes. Maisie is the first Premature baby with ROP to have her eye imaged in this way.

Maisie with owner of Optos

Maisie took it all in her stride as usual and happily played with the machine as it took pictures of her eyes. It was a fun day out.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

early night

It's a big day for Maisie tomorrow so an early night was in order for everyone.

An early night doesn't necessarily mean sleep

Maisie had a good day, she was out for a drive with Daddy which Maisie really seems to enjoy. There was a lot of eating done followed by some sleeping during the evening - at last!

Maisie also got weighed - she's now 7lbs 15.5oz  - so close to the 8lb! That's 3.63kg.

Sunday 21 October 2012

at last

Maisie just doesn't stop eating......she must be growing at some rate. Tomorrow the health visitor will pop in to weigh Maisie and we'll find out.

Grand Aunty Eleanor and Old Uncle Carl came around for afternoon tea and at last got an official cuddle from their Grand Niece Maisie;

Maisie has been waiting for this cuddle for a long time! 
It is a busy week ahead for Maisie;

Monday she has an appointment with the health visitor, Tuesday Maisie has to pop in to the hospital to get some drops in her eyes before a visit to Dunfermline to have pictures taken with the eye doctor, Wednesday a visit to the Doctors surgery to have her vaccinations booster, Thursday there is a visitor who will teach Mummy and Daddy about massage and reflexology to help Maisie. It's a busy week for Maisie.

But the best thing that will happen this week is Maisie's cousins Charlie and Grace are coming to visit. They arrive on Thursday and it will be the first time they will all be together as Charlie and Grace couldn't visit Maisie in the hospital. It's going to be a wonderful weekend of playtime!

Saturday 20 October 2012

a lovely day for a walk

Maisie was either feeding or griping.

 A lot of bottle was given and a lot of gripe was taken by Mummy and Daddy.  What would have been nice is a lot of sleeping being done by Maisie (and Mummy and Daddy).

Mummy did a great job!
To give Mummy some peace Daddy took Maisie out for a long walk.

While Maisie was out enjoying the warm sea breeze Mummy finished making the curtains for Maisie's room. They are beautiful curtains.

It was a lovely day for a walk;

"Daddy are you sure this is what people call comfortable?"

Friday 19 October 2012

just fed

Nothing exceptional happened today except for Maisie feeding.

Maisie just fed all day, generally grazing on her milk all day long.

Daddy got very little done apart from feed Maisie who Daddy is sure ended up eating more than him. Daddy didn't have time to eat as each time he tried to Maisie pointed out that she is much more important than Daddy and that she should be fed instead.

She's bound to have put some weight on this week - we'll find out on Monday when she get's weighed.

Thursday 18 October 2012

a better day

After another evening of Maisie's hernia popping in and out Maisie slept surprisingly well. There have been no hernia incidents since late last night. Maisie only woke Daddy up twice for feeds and one of those was time to get up anyway. Daddy had a good nights sleep (Mummy slept the whole night).

It was a day of demand feeding for Maisie - she demanded about every 3 hours and had a good fill each time, really catching up on on the energy she'd been using complaining about her hernia. Daddy is sure that if he had a hernia as big as Maisie's he'd be doing a lot more complaining than Maisie did.

It was a lovely day so Maisie, Daddy and Megan had a wonderful walk along the coast taking in the sea air.

It was a better day! 

Wednesday 17 October 2012

tired wee Maisie

Maisie was so tired after rides in the car, seeing the eye doctor and her hernia popping out that she slept quite well.

It took a lot out of Maisie and so today she fed very well to build up her energy levels. Maisie needs all the energy she can get as unfortunately Maisie's hernia keeps popping out causing her quite a lot of distress.

It would be preferable for it to stay in of course however Mummy and Daddy feel that it would be better if it stayed out as if this were happened Maisie would be taken in hospital straight away and the whole issue would be resolved.

In the meantime tired wee Maisie has got an appointment to see the surgeon on the 9th of November. Let's pray that Maisie's hernia doesn't pop out tomorrow and Maisie can get a day playing and growing.

Full security in place for Maisie, her favourite toy.
her Zaky and  Daddy even  let her have a pacifier

it was another long day

Maisie arose fairly early and as usual Daddy got up to feed her to let Mummy sleep on a while. It had been a long night with Maisie seeming to be quite unsettled.

It was a busy morning feeding and playing before getting ready for a trip out, little did Maisie know that it was going to be a visit to the Hospital to visit the eye doctor.

Maisie really enjoyed the ride in Daddy's car, it was a very smooth and comfortable drive that made good progress along the road arriving quickly yet safely at the hospital.  Mummy and Daddy made a mental note - Maisie loves the car and sleeps well when travelling.

Maisie snoozing after a long dayh

Maisie loved seeing all her Aunty's again but wasn't so pleased to see the eye doctor. It was better news; the eyes are showing some changes that look as though the blood vessel are starting to grow around the retina in the right direction. Next Tuesday may be a visit further afield to Dunfermline where the eye doctor would like to take some pictures of Maisie's eyes.

The day changed when Maisie got home though; Maisie was very agitated and grumpy which was upsetting for Mummy and Daddy who couldn't console her. Maisie's hernia had reared it's ugly head again and was refusing to pop back in. As Maisie was in such discomfort it meant another trip to the hospital!

Maisie's hernia was still out on arrival at the hospital for the doctor to see. Fortunately the hernia popped back in while at the hospital and the doctor allowed Maisie to come back home. Mummy and Daddy hope that this will speed up the process of seeing the surgeon. The doctor said that Maisie will need an operation it's just a matter of when. The operation will be in Edinburgh.

Mummy and Daddy will keep their bags backed just in case Maisie's hernia pops out again as it could mean another dash to the hospital. It could cause problems if it stays out as it could trap the intestine stopping the flow of waste out. Let's pray that Maisie will see the surgeon before this happens.

It was another long day for Maisie (and Mummy and Daddy too) 

Monday 15 October 2012

good first week

Maisie had visit's today from the Health Visitor and the Community Nurse. Both were happy with Maisie's progress over her first week at home.

Maisie showed off to the health visitor with how good she was at lifting her head while on her tummy.
Maisie had also been performing some Pilates moves while lying on her mat. According to Mummy she is very proficient at the Teaser.

I'm not sure when Mummy has the time to teach Maisie but it seems to help Maisie with her core strength, Maisie has been trying to stand up while on Daddy's knee.

After all the feed that Maisie has got from Mummy (and Daddy) she weighs 3.56kg which is 7lb 14oz. Maisie needs to continue to keep her food down to ensure good growth.

On Tuesday Maisie will be visiting the eye doctor at the hospital, hopefully there will be good news. We will also try to find out if there is a date for Maisie to see the surgeon regarding her hernia.

Sunday 14 October 2012

no sickness

Although the weather was not good and Maisie couldn't get out for a walk it was a good day.

It was a lazy day with lots of feeding and lots of sleeping, not only for Maisie but for other members of the family too.

"Sisters, Sisters there were never such devoted sisters"

Maisie is back on full feeds every 4 hours or so depending on her demands and has not been sick. Maisie is on better form and seems a lot brighter.

Saturday 13 October 2012

quite a grumpy wee girl

Maisie slept well through the night briefly waking to fill a couple of nappies and up bright and early with Daddy. Mummy and Daddy tried Maisie on breast feeding with full top up feeds but Maisie is still being sick on these amounts so later in the day went back to smaller top ups of the high calorie feed increasing the frequency.

Maisie joined Daddy and Megan on their Saturday morning walk to the butchers in the next village. Maisie really enjoyed the sea air and the wonderful views across the forth.

Maisie was also wondering why Megan was so keen to get to the butcher - all soon became very clear; if Megan sat and was a patient wee dog the butcher gave her a few slices of corned beef.

Maisie may have wondered what she'd get as a treat each Saturday when she's older - Daddy thinks that she'd prefer a cake from the baker across the road.

Maisie spent the rest of the day being quite a grumpy wee girl crying for most of the afternoon. She seemed to be constantly hungry possible due to the big nappies that she'd been filling leaving her feeling empty. Unfortunately Maisie is not able to keep large quantities of food down - no wonder she was grumpy. Hopefully she'll feel better tomorrow.

"Watch out Mummy I think that Megan wants in my bath for a swim" 

Mummy and big sister Meghan gave Maisie a lovely warm bath to try and cheer her up. It worked and Maisie spent a while this evening sleeping - let's hope that it continues into through the night!

so much for routine

Meghan  and Daddy put some finishing touches to Maisie's cupboard under the stairs;

The soft toy shelf is nearly full! 

Maisie decided that she would be sick today, she started the day by giving Daddy an early morning shower, directing her projectile vomit directly at him. Maisie struggled to keep her food down so Mummy and Daddy called the wonderful guys back on the ward at the hospital who advised to reduce Maisie's feeds and increase the frequency. This gave Maisie a rest from the large volumes that she was being fed.

It certainly reduced the amount of vomit Maisie was producing.

Maisie managed to fill a couple of nappies this afternoon which was a relief.

Unfortunately with all the straining Maisie's hernia to pop out again, which caused Maisie quite a bit of discomfort. Luckily it popped back in and there appears to be no restriction judging by the noises coming from her rear.

We will need to keep a close eye on this and will hopefully get an appointment to see the surgeon soon. The hospital will arrange this up on Monday unless it becomes more of a problem for Maisie over the weekend.

So much for putting a routine in place. Tomorrow Maisie will go back onto her full feeds and if all goes well back into some sort of routine.

Friday 12 October 2012

getting into the routine

Maisie went out for a walk around the village with her big sister Meghan as it was a lovely day to start with here in sunny San Monans.

Maisie is getting into her routine starting her day by waking Daddy up (extremely) early and trying out all her play places; rocking chair, play mat and pram before settling in the one she'd like until her next feed. Maisie does love playing with her hanging owls at the moment.

Feeds are going well  but still no action from the other end.

relaxing after a nice hot bath

Maisie had a bath this evening that she enjoyed more than usual. Maisie is starting to play more and more and this was the first time that she'd played in her bath. Thank you Aunty Melanie for the handmedown Winnie the Pooh bath.

Maisie is also getting better at focusing on what she's looking at and turning more often to look at what is happening around her. Life for Maisie is getting more and more interesting.

Megan (the dog) is accepting Maisie into the pack quite well, her nose is a little out of joint but she's great at coming to find Daddy to tell him that Maisie's crying. A useful trick.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

out for a walk

Mummy went out early, Zach went to college and Meghan went to work. Daddy was left holding the baby!

Daddy and Maisie had a great day putting a routine together for Maisie's feeding, medication and playtime, it all worked very smoothly until Mummy came home and just wanted lots of Maisie time - this is understandable however Daddy is sure that Maisie is looking forward to getting back into her routine tomorrow.

Playtime on the new "Baby gym" Maisie bought with her gift from
Grand Uncle Johnstone and Grand Aunty Gloria

The first of many adventures for the trio
The weather was beautiful so Mummy, Daddy, Maisie and Megan went for a walk along the coast. Mummy was there to make sure that Maisie would be safe out walking with Daddy - she was so Daddy will get out on his own in the future. Maisie has a comfortable carrier that goes on Daddy's front and a wee rucksack for carrying the oxygen cylinder.

The fresh sea air will be a great tonic for Maisie!

Maisie woke up very early this morning much to Daddy's dismay. Hopefully Maisie will sleep well tonight after her walk;

Zonked out after her trip 
Maisie is looking good and feeding well, but has not filled her nappy since coming home, let's hope that we get a good old stinky nappy soon!

1st day home

Maisie slept well and did not seem to be bothered that all the noises and lights of the ward were missing. Daddy slept quite well as it was his second night in a row with all Maisie's odd noises while she was sleeping.
Mummy didn't sleep so well so when Maisie awoke at 7.00 am Daddy took her and left Mummy to sleep in (until almost 11am).

Daddy with his girls

Lots of bits and pieces such as hair brushes, blankets, flowers etc  arrived for Maisie today from lots of kind people. Thank you everyone;

Hello Charlie and Gracie, Thank you very much for my flowers,
they are beautiful

The Community Nurse and Health Visitor visited  and brought some syringes to give Maisie her medicines (orally) along with other medical supplies. They'll be visiting every week for a while to enable Mummy and Daddy to help Maisie in the best way possible. They also brought with them a wee backpack that Daddy can put oxygen in when he takes Maisie for a walk with Megan.

Maisie had a fairly normal day, chilling out in her chair, feeding, playing and having her nappy changed. There were extra hugs from Meghan and Zach which Maisie thoroughly enjoyed but Maisie still missed all her cuddles from the nurses.

a lazy moment.........

Monday 8 October 2012

Maisie's homecoming

Daddy's sleepover went well although Daddy didn't get as much sleep as he'd have liked to. Maisie makes a lot of noises when she is sleeping which sound like she could be awake however she isn't - this is normal for premature babies but not normal for Daddy to hear.

one last look out of the window

It was an emotional day. Every one has been through so much in the last few months and there were many times that it was thought that Maisie wouldn't get home. Yet here we are Maisie's Homecoming. There have been a lot tearful moments - with today shedding more than average (including Daddy).

There were so many kind messages regarding today starting with the likes of; Hurrah, Whoopee, Whoo hoo, we just think that it's AMAZING.

a beautiful day to be leaving

We will miss all Maisie's "Aunties" at the Victoria Hospital who have helped us every step of the way through this ordeal. We don't know how we would have got though without their kindness and support. We will never forget all the love and attention they gave Maisie and as she grows up we will make sure Maisie knows this.

Maisie with the family at home - at last! 

The next step of Maisie's journey is starting. Surrounded by the continued love of her family will give her a fantastic foundation for the future. Tomorrow there will be visits from the Health Visitor and Community Nurse to help guide us along.

We are looking forward to all the friends and family who are planning to visit. Please remember that Maisie is   at great risk from getting an infection so if you are not feeling 100% please stay away. Do not be offended if you are turned away - we just have Maisie's health to think about.

And don't worry the blog will continue to keep you up to date with.................... 

My Amazing Maisie! 

Daddy's sleepover

Maisie had a very restful day feeding, filling her nappy, listening to tunes while chilling in her chair, all in all a good last day in the ward.

It was a beautiful sunny day so Mummy and Daddy took Maisie out for a walk to get some fresh air. Daddy was hoping that this would tire her out for tonight.

"what is Mummy doing to me?"
At the time of writing this blog Daddy's sleepover with Maisie was going well, he'd eaten a Chinese takeaway with Mummy before sending her home, fed Maisie, read some more of Amazing Maisie the talking camel, got Maisie off to sleep (3 hours and counting), watched a film and got Maisie's next feed ready. So far so good. Maisie may be stirring so will need changed and fed soon.

Zach and Meghan are coming in the morning with Mummy to take Maisie home. While they are at the hospital they will be finishing resuscitation training. Daddy did all the oxygen training this morning so everyone should be ready if any problems should any arise.

Monday is Maisie's Homecoming!

Sunday 7 October 2012

2 sleeps

Sleeping and growing
Mummy and Daddy were busy dusting (yet again) cleaning the house from top to bottom getting ready for Maisie coming home.

When they arrived at the hospital Maisie was sleeping and continued to for the majority of Mummy and Daddy's visit.

Maisie had a great weight gain of 150g over the last 2 days - 7lbs 9.5oz or 3.44kg.

It was a lovely day so Mummy and Daddy took Maisie for a walk. They can't wait until they can all go for walks at home. It's not long now.

still sleeping (still growing).

Friday 5 October 2012

3 more sleeps

The physiotherapist visited Maisie again to let her know that she has been referred for home visits and then in January will join the Neuro-development Clinic.

It was another day of cuddles and eating lots for Maisie. Daddy read to Maisie as usual, he'd found a lovely old book about Camels; 

Amazing Maisie was a little shocked to find out
that she'd been named after a camel

Maisie is still to see the surgeon regarding her hernia as he ended up very busy today. Maisie did have her head scan this evening which appears to be fine, the consultants will discuss it in more detail in the morning.

It's just 3 more sleeps!

Thursday 4 October 2012

no change

Maisie is getting more and more spoiled as the Nurses realise how soon Maisie will be going home. They are all getting in their last cuddles with Maisie and each time Mummy and Daddy call the hospital or arrive at the hospital Maisie is mid cuddle.

Maisie had her next Synagis vaccination which hopefully you'll remember protects Maisie from developing serious chest infection from RSV (Respiratory Syncytial  Virus).

The eye doctor also visited but there was once again no real change. Maisie has got a reprieve from the eye doctor next week as he's on holiday. It will be really good to get Maisie home and not have to visit the hospital that week. Maisie will see him a week on Tuesday.

Lets hope that all is well tomorrow when Maisie meets the Surgeon to discuss her hernia. If all goes well we're good to go home Monday.............if Daddy passes his test on Sunday night.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

a busy day getting ready to go home

The physiotherapist visited Maisie and gave her a once over. After prodding and poking Maisie she  told the nurses that Maisie is doing well. They left Mummy and Daddy some exercises to encourage Maisie to turn to the left as her preference is to look to the right while lying down, sitting up and having cuddles; this is causing her to have a wee bald spot. Mummy and Daddy will catch up with the physiotherapist on Friday.

Then the dietitian came to visit and agreed a feeding regime with Mummy and Daddy. They are happy again with Maisie's weight growth and when she gets home will just be weighed weekly with a dietary review every  couple of weeks or so.

Grand Old Uncle Bill and cousin Eleanor visited and brought Maisie a new outfit and her new cradle, well new to Maisie anyway as it's actually 44 years old. As it is quite old Grand Aunty Eleanor got a new mattress for the cot which fits perfectly. Thank you to all.

Good News! Maisie finally passed the Car Seat Challenge!

Tuesday 2 October 2012

poor mummy

Maisie had a good nights sleep sharing a room with Mummy for the first time.

This was followed by a lovely day; the nurses spoiling Maisie with a manicure and a trip out to the shops to buy some gossip magazines

Unfortunately the same can't be said for Mummy who was exhausted. Maisie had kept Mummy awake all night with lots of grunting, cooing, bleating, crying and any other noises that you care to think that a young baby can make. Poor Mummy.

Mummy discussed this with some of the nurse who informed Mummy that theses noises are common for a premature baby to make while sleeping. These are all noises that Mummy and Daddy will need to get used too when Maisie comes home. This is one of the reasons a sleepover at the hospital is so useful. Daddy is certainly happy to have this information before his sleepover.

It was Maisie first manicure experience and so
wasn't keen to show her nails off 

Maisie continues to grow; 7lbs 5oz, 3.3kg. Mummy and Daddy are meeting with Maisie's dietitian tomorrow afternoon to agree a feeding regime.

Talking of food; Daddy made Mummy her  favourite comfort food - Mince and Tatties and then Mummy had a well deserved early night.

Monday 1 October 2012

a big night for mummy

It is Grandpa's birthday today - Maisie was pleased that her card arrived on time - Happy Birthday.

Maisie is 135 days old (should be 34 days old) and you would have thought old enough to pass the Car Seat Challenge however Maisie only managed about 30 minutes before getting grumpy and demanding cuddles. Maisie was quite the Madam. The Car seat challenge will be attempted again tomorrow.

Maisie should pass if she can find the patience, when she was hooked up to the monitors her heart rate was sitting down at 112 and her oxygen saturation at an Amazing 97%. That was until she got bored and wanted to do something else.

Mummy and Maisie have their own room on the ward overnight and Mummy will have to tend to all Maisie's needs. Daddy is confident that Mummy will do a great job. He is a little worried about his turn on Sunday though. It will be strange for Daddy tonight, normally he rings the nurses to find out how Maisie is but tonight he'll ring Mummy.

Mummy and Maisie getting ready for a good nights sleep
for the first time together