Sunday 27 October 2013

the sudden realisation

On Thursday it eventually hit Daddy, hard and somewhere deep in his tummy - the sudden realisation that this was the last week that Maisie and Daddy would have together before Daddy goes back to the world of employment.

It will most likely be the last week for a long while that Daddy and Maisie will spend so much time together. Life will be changing in a big way for both of them.

Daddy felt very emotional.

Maisie doesn't seem to understand that she'll not see so much of her Daddy and so doesn't seem to be upset in the same way - next Monday will be a very different day!

lunch at Grandpa and Grandma Jan's

Maisie has been busy as usual, she had an extremely enjoyable weekend down in Yorkshire visiting family;

Playing with Uncle Jim

fighting off Aunty Cat's kittens

learning from Gracie

annoying Charlie

lots of fun playtime with Aunty Rhona

loving stories told by Aunty Cat

more playtime at Gracie's 7th Birthday party

Maisie is continuing to eat well. Maisie was weighed this week and weighs in at exactly 8kg which is 17lbs 10oz and is 72cm high, 2ft 4.

"mmm what else is there to eat?"

Maisie met with her consultant on Wednesday, he's very happy with her progress off the oxygen. Daddy mentioned that before coming off the oxygen Maisie slept through every night but unfortunately since then has not had a good nights sleep. Maisie wakes up Mummy and Daddy several times a night.

avoiding bedtime using her cousins as an excuse

It is probably psychological as Maisie is not comfortable without her tubes - she feels like she's missing something.

It was decided so to help Maisie sleep (and Mummy and Daddy too) that her tubes would be put back on at bedtime without the oxygen.

Great in theory but not so great in practice, Maisie enjoyed it for about 5 minutes before tearing them off. We will persevere to see if we can get a decent nights sleep.

Maisie gave Aunty Cat a neck massage in return for all the stories

Maisie is very close to walking, she can walk around the house holding on to things, she's also able to stand by herself.

After all the time Daddy has spent with Maisie her first steps will most likely be the first day they are apart!

Maisie is now saying a few words quite clearly and is also having conversations with us which we don't understand, much to her frustration.

Daddy with his wee Smiler! 

At least Daddy can go off to work knowing that Maisie is able to call out his name to tell everyone how much she is missing him! 

Thursday 17 October 2013

Maisie is really on the move and head strong with it. When she's decided where she's going, that's where she's going!

You can't take your eyes off her for a minute.

Daddy has found her in a few places when she has gone missing but this one was frightening;

"Hi Daddy, look what I can do when you're not watching!"

It's a little worrying, especially since she can climb all the way to the top without any help; 

"watch me Daddy! " 

Meghan was not helping Maisie - she was just there to catch her. 

she climbed the stair step by step - no knees used

Daddy then lost Maisie again; 

"hello Daddy - I'm just seeing what this shampoo tastes of" 

Don't worry all doors are now kept closed and a stair gate is ordered!

This weekend Maisie is going to visit her cousins, it's both Gracie and Ella's birthdays - it's going to be a lot of fun!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

one year ago

Maisie came home from the hospital one year ago yesterday;

she was so tiny

Look at her now, she's had a busy week; 

Maisie's first fish supper

out for a walk


helping Daddy

out for a walk with Mummy

out for dinner - reading between courses

teaching Megan to read

these two keep missing out so thought I'd put in this picture
 - they took Daddy on the chain walk

Maisie 'working' at walking

Daddy's little helper


My Amazing Maisie! 

Wednesday 2 October 2013

where's Maisie?

Mummy had a wonderful birthday;

spoiled as usual

Maisie wasn't sure what to get Mummy, it was hard to treat Mummy on her birthday as Mummy always got a cup of tea in bed and often gets her breakfast in bed too. Maisie opted for a lovely silver locket key ring with a photo of herself and a large bunch of flowers - Mummy was very happy with Maisie's gifts.

believe it or not - Zach baked this cake! 

Maisie made the most of Mummy's birthday by staying up late after her bath to join in the party. Maisie decided that she loves pizza;

"I wonder if I can fit all this into my mouth in one go?"

"Yes....I can!"

Maisie is coping well without her tubes although she does wonder where they are. Maisie can been found sitting in her bed trying to find them to put back into her nose and also keeps looking behind her to check that she's not getting caught on the furniture.

It's strange in the house without the noise of the oxygen concentrater and the tube all over the floor; normally when anyone walks into the house you know exactly where Maisie is by following the tubes. If they lead towards her bedroom then you know to be quiet as she'll be in bed.

Now we never know where Maisie is - Daddy has even lost Maisie in the living room  - normally you can find her by following the tube but now Daddy doesn't know which chair she's  behind. Daddy suggested tying a long ribbon to Maisie but Mummy wont allow it.

where's Maisie?

It's wonderful not carrying around oxygen everywhere we go - it's much less hassle popping out to visit people. Daddy still keeps an oxygen cylinder in each car just in case. All Maisie's equipment will stay in the house for the moment until the consultant is sure that she will cope without the oxygen

Maisie popped to see Mrs Arroll next door for a biscuit

Mummy can now take Maisie for a walk without the buggy - carrying both Maisie and an oxygen cylinder was too heavy for Mummy.

Mummy has been waiting to do this for a long time

Maisie continues to have problems lying down. It's just not connecting for her. Maisie as we all know can get from lying down to sitting up and to standing and also from standing to sitting down and crawling but still hasn't worked out how to lie down. Maisie is capable of throwing herself backwards into her ball pit but not able to lie down - hopefully she'll work it out eventually.

this is what happens when Maisie gets tired of sitting
 - she's fast asleep on her knees and elbows

With Maisie on the move her attention span is getting worse and so Maisie is keeping Daddy busy. Maisie is always looking for a new game to play; 

in deep thought - "right, what can I do next?"

On Friday Maisie took Mummy, Daddy and Meghan shopping, it was time for Maisie's first pair of shoes. Maisie soon lost interest in shoes which was very surprising to Daddy as Mummy and Meghan love shoe shopping - Maisie takes in everything happening around her - some might call it being nosey! 

"what are they doing over there?" 

It was a busy weekend - Mummy, Maisie, Zach and Lucy went up to Inverness to stay with Aunty Boo, Jasmine, Christiano and Alex. Zach was running in the Loch Ness 10k - he came 8th (out of several thousand) and 1st for his age group with a personal best time - Well Done! 

Well Done also to Aunty Boo and Jasmine for their 5k's and the boys for the Wee Nessie run. 

As usual when Daddy's not about there are no photos :( 

Daddy and Meghan stayed at home as Meghan was going  to Edinburgh on Sunday to stay at Uncle Carl and Aunty Eleanors - thank you cousin Alan for giving up your bed. Meghan has a week of work experience at a solicitors in Edinburgh.  Daddy and Meghan and Megan spent Sunday walking in the Pentlands - the weather was fantastic. 

Maisie seems to be coping well without her oxygen although she's not sleeping so good at the moment and keeps both Daddy and Mummy busy most nights. Tuesday evening Maisie woke up just before 10pm and didn't settle until 12.45am  and then had Daddy back up again just before 6am - it was nice for Daddy to get about 5 hrs straight. If it continues we'll mention it to the consultant. 

Being off oxygen hasn't changed Maisie's appetite - she's continuing to eat well as can been seen from all the photos, Maisie enjoys her food; 

"these chopsticks are easy - I can't believe that Zach can't use them
There was more good news this week - Daddy decided to get a job and starts at the end of the month. 

How will Daddy and Maisie cope without each other?