Friday 28 June 2013

Maisie took a road trip with Mummy and Daddy on Friday to visit Aunty Boo and her cousins, Jasmine, Christiano and Alexandro in Inverness. It was wonderful to see Maisie interacting with her wee cousins as she only sees other wee ones at the development centre on Monday mornings.

Maisie really enjoyed playing with them and they had just as much fun giving Maisie attention.

Maisie enjoying Aunty Boo's Pancakes
(Betty Crocker's aren't as good as Richard Crokers though)

to many other things going on to be interested
 in having a photo taken with her cousins

Christiano loved giving Maisie cuddles

Everyone but Jasmine (typical teenager not around for a photo)

Maisie was heavier than Alex expected

A great time was had by all - we'll see you again soon guys. Thank you very much for letting Maisie have your old buggy we're sure she'll love it eventually.

Maisie is getting more and more like her Aunty Cat

Sunday was Zach's birthday and he'd been invited to run in the Glenrothes 10km. Zach did really well and came 2nd beating his previous time. Zach got lots of bits and pieces for his car for his birthday to help keep it on the road and was particularly happy with the trolley jack that Maisie had chosen to give him.

There isn't a photo of Zach running his race as Daddy has some how lost it on the computer somewhere along with pictures of his birthday dinner which he chose to have at MacDonalds - apparently Maisie's first visit of many with her big brother.

If Daddy can find the photo's he'll let you seen them.

Maisie has been a wee tyke this week, it maybe because she has cut her second tooth but Daddy thinks it's most likely due to all the constant cuddling Maisie got over the weekend - he's not sure that she was put down at all during the visit to Aunty Boos.

"please don't put me down in my new buggy"

Thursday 20 June 2013

Maisie has been busy

What a busy week it has been for Maisie;

Maisie didn't enjoy getting her jabs but was very a brave wee girl and only cried for a few seconds.

The Physio visited and is very pleased with Maisie's progress, the latest homework for Maisie is to try to sit up on her own from lying on her side or back. Maisie also needs to spend more time on her front as the physio would rather Maisie could try and crawl before she starts to walk.

At the weekend Maisie was very busy spoiling Daddy, firstly it was his birthday on Saturday and then the extremely important Fathers Day on Sunday. Daddy realised that he must be getting old - it is old people that get slippers and a dressing gown as presents isn't it? Daddy made a mental note that Mummy might also need the same for her birthday.

Daddy and Maisie willingly (?) posing for a photo
after church on Fathers Day.

Daddy's lovely cards and photo

Incidentally it's true what Daddy had heard - Fathers day finishes at 10am!

Maisie really enjoyed seeing her friends at the development centre on Monday and especially enjoyed painting;

"mmm, don't think I've used yellow yet"

It was quite similar to getting in a mess like Maisie does with Daddy at dinner time, Mummy doesn't like Maisie getting messy. 

"are you sure Mummy is okay with this?"

Maisie had such a great time that she decided that she had earned a wee rest so took a well deserved nap

recuperating to have more fun

Monday 10 June 2013

Maisie is packing on the pounds and is even starting to look a little bit chubby. The health visitor weighed Maisie and she has put on 1lb 3oz  and weighs 15lbs 11oz or 7.13kgs.

Maisie may be gaining weight but she is not varying her diet. Porridge is still the favorite. She'll have a little  cauliflower cheese but is still not to interested in trying many other different tastes. Toast is sometimes taken along with a rusk, apples and other fruits are just just seen as toys, as are carrot sticks which is disappointing as everyone knows orange food is good for you;

"mmm orange food"

Mummy let it slip that she had fed Maisie a whole packet of cheesy puffs one afternoon - no wonder Maisie is getting a little rounder. Food seems to have been a recurring theme for Maisie this week;

"thank you for the chocolate buttons Joshua
but I think I'd prefer your Milkybar"
"these noodles are great daddy but the blue one is bit chewy"!

 Maisie and Daddy had a sleepover on Saturday night, the alarms were not as bad as usual and both Daddy and Maisie got a little more sleep than usual. Maisie's oxygen saturation was good when she got wired up so it was decided to try to turn the oxygen flow down to 0.1l but then Maisie's saturation levels dropped so it was back up to 0.2l.

Maisie is happy to sleep on her side but still will not roll over for the physio

Maisie saw the consultant on Sunday morning who explained that the real need for Maisie to have the oxygen is to help her grow - she's doing that just with the cheesy puffs that Mummy is feeding her.

It seemed that Maisie actually remembered where she was when she arrived at the hospital - there must have been a wee flashback going on in Maisie's head.

Sunday was a very special day for Maisie as this was the first time that she got to meet the "head of the family" - Grand Uncle Johnstone and Grand Aunty Gloria came all the way from Wales to visit.

Maisie was trying very hard to be on her best behaviour

It was a lovely day so after a spot of lunch everyone went on a walk around the village finishing up at the East Pier Smokehouse for ice cream - although Daddy would have preferred the smoked langoustinesh.

Not to miss out of course Maisie took the opportunity to sample ice cream for the first time and decided to add it to her very small and exclusive list of food she likes.

It was then back home for more fun and games with her Grand Aunty's;

"I don't think that we can all fit on my playmat Aunty"

 followed by more precious cuddles;

Monday it was back to Maisie's wee playgroup at the Childrens Development Centre - there was lots of singing and playing and fun with her new friends - it is so great to see Maisie interacting with other wee ones.

It's another busy week for Maisie,
Tuesday it a visit to the health centre at lunch time although unfortunately for Maisie there will not be any food just the needles for her immunisations.
There's a visit from Nanny T on Wednesday followed by the Physio

The rest of the week Maisie will be getting ready for a busy weekend - Daddy's birthday on Saturday and then Fathers day on Sunday, it's a good job Maisie has a healthy bank account as this could be an expensive weekend for her.

"Don't tell Megan but I like her bed - it's very comfortable"

Tuesday 4 June 2013

where's the blog? - don't panic it's still here

It's been an even busier week than usual for Daddy,  Maisie is growing and developing very quickly just now, demanding more and more attention. Even since last weekend there has been a fast change.

Maisie is now able to sit on her own for long lengths of time and is also able to pull herself up. It is more fun and there are more toys that Maisie can play with. Daddy doesn't get a minutes peace and has been quite tired so decided to take a wee break from writing the blog.

"look what I can do" 

Now that Maisie is doing so much more it's great to have the helping hands of Zach and Meghan as it's even more full on for Daddy when there's no one else around;

Zach helping Maisie bash out a tune

we're not sure who enjoys the ball pit the most

Maisie is now onto three meals a day although still not overly keen on trying many different types. Maisie has just learnt that if she blows a raspberry she can spit out anything that she doesn't like. This is preferable to the  previous method she had of wretching until she made herself sick and then the unwanted food came out of her mouth as she required - it was quite alarming the first few times and gave Nanny T quite a scare.

"are you sure that these will turn my hair ginger Daddy?"

Maisie is mainly eating porridge, rusks and of course Wotsits but is willing to try watermelon, cauliflour cheese and a bit of toast.  Still only drinking milk.(just like Daddy does).

The weather has continued to be glorious since the Baptism and Maisie is spending more and more time outside getting the fresh sea air that she needs to help her lungs.

"hurry up and take the photo, I'd like to go for a walk" 

As most people that have met Maisie know, she loves standing up and with help from the homework that the physio gave her Maisie is now getting up using her legs instead of just pulling with her arms.

Good progress.

And Maisie is now, while holding Mummy or Daddy's hands starting to move her legs in the right way to take steps - usually two forward and then two backward. At this rate she'll miss out the crawling and go straight to walking. Now that she's got her balance at sitting well rehearsed it will not be long before she's up and about.

snoozing in the garden could soon be running around the garden

Mummy and Daddy had Maisie to themselves this weekend.

Zach was in Dublin at the weekend doing his duties for the country and competed very well coming third in the steeplechase (he stopped to take off is spikes as they broke halfway around).

Meghan was away for the weekend with her Riding for the Disabled group up in Drumnadrochit where a great time was had by all even though it was very hard work.

After a quiet Saturday with no visitors and a relaxing night in front of the television Mummy and Daddy thought that they'd try to spoil themselves on Sunday evening and go out for dinner. It didn't turn out to be as quiet or as relaxing an evening as the previous day. Maisie was fed and bathed in the hope that as it was bedtime she may sleep through dinner - not a chance. Mummy said that she'd never seen Maisie so involved and interested in everything around her it was like she'd suddenly awoken and wanted to experience everything around her.

"I think I'll try the whole menu please Daddy"

"this is such fun Mummy, I'm a big girl now" 

It was an interesting meal with Maisie only sitting still for short periods at a time. Mummy made a mental note to get a babysitter on the next occasion that Daddy wanted to spoil her by taking her out for dinner.

Maisie will be getting weighed this week - she must have put on plenty of weight with all the food she's been eating, and she's also got a sleepover with Daddy on Saturday. With all her growth and development let's pray it will be good news and the oxygen can be turned down.