Sunday 16 December 2012

first Christmas tree

Maisie was very unsettled last night and didn't sleep so well. She was also sick during the night. Maisie didn't sleep so well through the day either but there was no sick which was an improvement. Today is the last day of the antibiotics so hopefully Maisie will be less nauseous tomorrow. 

The Health visitor will weigh Maisie tomorrow and hopefully she will have put on more weight than last week,

not the biggest tree but there
were not many left to choose from
Maisie had visitors for brunch - she can't wait until she can try a bacon roll as they smell fantastic.

Young Katie brought Maisie a book; Bunny's bedtime book, which came with a wee bunny that is a great size -  just bigger than the mouse she currently favours. Thank you. Maisie enjoyed the story very much before she went to sleep.

Daddy eventually got around to getting a Christmas tree which Meghan decorated beautifully. Most of the presents underneath it seem to be for Maisie.

It's Maisie's first Christmas tree - there where times that we thought this would never come.

It's going to be an Amazing Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Antibiotics can make people feel nauseous so fingers crossed Maisie will feel better after today. Maisie's first Christmas-----absolutely wonderful. Daddy should write a book called that I think. lots of love, Win x
