Sunday 2 December 2012

honorable discharge

Maisie behaved very well overnight and had an honorable discharge mid morning on Sunday. Maisie once more has taken everything in her stride.

Bye bye and Thank you. 
It was decided that Maisie's sleepover should be postponed until next Sunday as the oxygen saturation reading may reflect the operation and not Maisie's usual state.

Mummy once more got no sleep and Daddy got little sleep. It's been a long few days.

Maisie got home early in the afternoon, Mummy had a shower and Meghan (who'd missed Maisie much more than she'll ever let on) got Maisie's milk ready for her feed. Daddy went to get Maisie medicines ready only to realise that they had all been left in Edinburgh!

After a few phone calls Daddy ended up going to Kirkcaldy to pick up enough supplies to last until morning - poor Daddy was exhausted, he'd been looking too having 40 winks himself before venturing out again.

There will be another trip to Edinburgh in the morning to retrieve Maisie's bag of drugs.

Maisie will still visit Kirkcaldy for her synagis vaccination but her meeting with the dietitian is being rescheduled.

Mummy and Daddy are looking forward to a good nights sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Maisie i'm so glad u r doing so well after u opp and hope that now mum and dad can get some sleep all ma love tanya xx
