Tuesday 30 April 2013

amazed her daddy

It was a lovely day on Saturday so  leaving Daddy to do some work in the garden Mummy and Maisie went out for a walk but not before Colin (who'd popped by to pick up his motorbike from Daddy's garage) gave Maisie a big cuddle.

As it was such a lovely day Mummy dressed Maisie appropriately as this may be the only chance to wear summer attire this year;

"How cute am I?" 

Mummy and Maisie enjoyed their day out particularly Mummy as they ended up in the Chocolate shop at  Pittenweem again!

Sunday wasn't such a good day for Maisie to be out and about as it was very windy so after a visit to church to see all the Sunday school children get awarded books Maisie decided that she'd like to go for a run out in the car and get some proper bowls for her to eat out of rather than the wee plastic tubs that mean old Daddy had been using, Maisie picked some pretty pink things with help from Mummy.

While out and about it seemed a good idea to stop off and see Uncle Carl and Aunty Eleanor for tea and cake, Maisie loves these visits as she gets lots of attention although she never to sure when the next cuddle is coming or who from as Aunty and Uncle continually fight over whose turn it is.

"Aunty Eleanor, it must be your turn now!"

Monday Maisie went out to play at the Child Development Centre. there were 2 other little girls for Maisie to play with. Maisie and Daddy arrived a little early and the lovely lady who was running the session told Daddy that he could sit Maisie on the mat to play with some of the toys while they waited for more playmates.

Daddy started explaining to the lady that Maisie wasn't quite able to sit on her own yet but proving just how Amazing my Amazing Maisie is when Daddy put her down she happily sat there all by herself - Daddy was amazed! Maisie is such a clever girl, always out to impress and of course to prove her old Dad wrong.

The session started with Daddy giving Maisie a massage, this is usually Mummy's job however Daddy wasn't too bad at it although maybe a little heavier handed than Mummy.

Then it was onto the "messy mat" where Maisie was stripped off to allow her to have fun experiencing different textures. Firstly Maisie played with jelly which she wasn't so keen on, Maisie was more interested in watching the other wee girls. Then Maisie tried shaving foam but still wasn't to keen on getting too messy.

"there Daddy, I did it - happy now?"

It was good fun and it ended with a sing-a-long, Daddy and Maisie love having a wee sing and are looking forward to the next session which is in a couple of weeks time - one visit to a play group and already getting a weeks holiday - luck Maisie.

Thursday 25 April 2013

in three months

The eye doctors visit went very well. He was very pleased to see Maisie and couldn't believe how much she had grown in the last few weeks. Maisie showed that she had a strong will of her own while at the eye doctors and decided that she didn't want to have photographs taken of her eyes. The first picture was a  good one but all the rest were a battle. The eye doctor is happy to see Maisie again in 3 months time.

The weekend came very quickly and it was off to Edinburgh for Mummy and Meghan for another girls weekend away to eat and shop. Maisie is looking forward to being old enough to join in these trips.

Maisie playing with her favorite toy of the moment

Daddy and Maisie had a wonderfully relaxing weekend after such a busy week and didn't really do to much. Sunday Morning Maisie thought that she'd join Daddy at church as it was his turn to do the reading and as Mummy's Aunt, Stella was in the area she decided to join them which was handy for Daddy as Stella could get some cuddles from Maisie while Daddy went up to read.

Happily feeding, or should that be sleeping with Aunt Stella

Maisie was very well behaved for the service and even joined in some of the hymns. Everyone at church was so pleased to see Maisie and it was noticed that she had perhaps said "Amen" at the end of the prayers although Daddy thinks it was more likely that she was asking him to pick up a toy off the floor at the time.

Tuesday the health visitor came to weigh Maisie; she has put on almost whole pound in the last month and weighs 14lb 8oz or 6.6kg (with her vest on).

"look Daddy, I've eaten it all!

Maisie has grown so much since Easter is really changing into a little person, everything is now of interest to Maisie and she is now taking on the world with both hands and enjoying every moment of it. Maisie is using both of her arms remarkably well now and is very good at grabbing for anything that might be to hand.

Maisie is giving most people smiles at the moment and finds Daddy's bedtime stories very funny and laughs out loud. When Maisie isn't smiling she's probably sticking her tongue out.

"you're right it's actually all over my face" 

Wednesday it was off to the hospital to see the Consultant and the Dietitian. Mummy and Daddy went for a coffee before the appointment as getting a parking space was much easier than usual. While enjoying their coffee they bumped into Brian who's been doing some work at the hospital. Maisie didn't give Brian her usual big grin but just a small smile however she did make a grab for his face with "great gusto" (as Mummy put it), particularly his nose - just as well Alfie, Olivia and Harry weren't there to see it as they would have been sure to make fun of their Dad and his nose.

The Consultant was very pleased to see Maisie and has reduced some of her many medicines. He also said that as the weather was getting better (really?) that the risk of Maisie catching a chest infection would be reduced at the moment and that she would be able to attend the local Child Development Centre to meet and play with children nearer Maisie's age.

This will be great for Maisie - she was really interested when she met Nicole at Easter and to meet other children in a small group at the CDC should really help her learn to play and socialise.  The group meets on a Monday morning with other children who aren't too well either - Daddy and Maisie can't wait for Monday to come.

The Dietitian was equally pleased to see Maisie who was measured again, this time without her vest and weighed 6.5kg (14lbs 5oz) with a height of 65cm (2 ft 1). Maisie is doing well at growing and the dietitian was also happy with all the porridge she's been eating and suggested that Maisie should be trying other foods including Daddy's Spag Bol again.

Both the Consultant and the Dietitian will be happy to see Maisie again in another 3 months.

Maisie concentrating on making as much noise as she can

Thursday 18 April 2013

"I don't want breakfast, I just want to play!"
Maisie had a busy week ahead of her and so needed to start the day with a good breakfast. However Maisie was refusing her cereal as there were too many other things to do.

The theme of visitors and cuddles continued on Monday; Penny popped around to see Maisie using the excuse that she was looking at Mummy's garden.

Then Mrs Arroll from next door dropped in with no excuse needed - she just loves a cuddle from Maisie.

And the visitors kept coming;
Aunty Eleanor and Uncle Carl were missing Maisie so made up the excuse of bringing material for Maisie's Baptism gown.
Mummy is going to make Maisie's gown out of material left over from Gran's wedding dress - it's going to be so beautiful and make Maisie look so pretty on her special day.

Maisie wondering when Aunty Eleanor was
going to make another grab for her
Uncle Carl and Aunty Eleanor spent the afternoon inbetween drinking cups of tea fighting over who was going to give Maisie cuddles.

It was such a busy day there was hardly time for a nap before dinner. Maisie was excited as Daddy had made his special spaghetti bolognese which Maisie had heard so much about - everyone loves it!

But, much to everyone's amusement, particularly Brian (yes yet another visitor squeezed in) Maisie didn't like Daddy's spag bol. In fact she rather objected to it and spat it out.

Tuesday was set aside to practice Maisie's home work as the physio was coming the next day to check that she'd been working hard on her excercises. The community nurse visited and was suitably impressed with Maisie's improvement saying that she thought the physio would be very happy.

Wednesday came very quickly and so it was the physio's visit; Daddy made sure that Maisie was fed, watered and had even taken a wee nap so that she would be fresh to show off all her new skills.

The physio arrived and was "Delighted" with Maisie's progress, she's going to write a letter to the consultant telling him how well Maisie has done.

After a thorough workout with the physio Maisie took some well deserved time out to relaxed and watch the chickens running around the garden with Daddy.

"are you sure there are chickens in our garden Daddy?"

It was a busy week so far with a visit to the eye doctor still to come

Monday 15 April 2013

new steps taken

It was another busy weekend for Maisie. Saturday morning started off with Maisie rolling over onto her tummy - hurrah, at last! However she has not been seen to do this again since and Mummy isn't sure whether to believe Daddy and Meghan.

Saturday morning moved on quickly through to lunch at which time Maisie took yet another new step forward - Maisie decided that she'd have lunch in her high chair;

Anyone could think that Maisie doesn't get fed
This is a big step for Maisie. Maisie is managing to sit for longer periods in her chair and will now be able  join the family for meal times at the table.

"Please Mummy can I have some more?"

Maisie's new ability to sit comfortably in a chair will really help her development , as well as sitting to eat  Maisie can also sit and learn to play.

Maisie's car is getting more use now. 

One of Maisie's favorite pastimes is standing up and her car is perfect to help her do this - it won't be long before she's driving it up and down the hallway as fast as she can.

Sunday afternoon was spent lazing around, playing and getting lots of cuddles, Maisie was feeling so lazy she didn't even have any pants on.

chilling out with cousin Eli 

Grand Uncle Bill came to visit with cousins Lynne and Eli. They came bearing gifts; a lovely pink summer outfit, frogs to play with in the bath and a tartan plaid and a scarf they'd found that belong to Maisie's Gran.

|Maisie wasn't interested in posing for the camera

Daddy thought it was lovely having more visitors but this could be because Mummy made beautiful fresh scones, mmm. 

Thursday 11 April 2013

sneaking a cuddle 
Maisie's week so far has been quite busy;

On Tuesday Mrs Mathers from across the road popped by pretending to speak to Daddy about church business though everyone knew she was just in to get a quick cuddle from Maisie.

Then Maisie went out for the afternoon with Mummy for what appeared to be lots of cups of tea. Maisie visited Penny at the Little Herb Farm in Pittenween and visited a huge green house that smelt very nice. Penny's garden was very beautiful and Mummy asked if she'd come and look at her garden to give her some help to make hers just as beautiful. Penny has suggested lots of plants that the chickens don't like to eat.  www.thelittleherbfarm.co.uk

is it summer? 

Then it was back on the road to visit Mummy's friend Mags where there were more cuddles to be had - Maisie loves visiting Mummy's friends.

When Maisie got home she still had lots of energy so spent some time arranging her toys;

"Don't worry I'll not make a mess"

Nanny T looked after Maisie on Wednesday morning as Mummy and Daddy were busy and then Maisie took a road trip all the way to Edinburgh. Mummy had a client to visit while Maisie and Daddy went to visit Uncle Alan. It makes a change for Maisie to be visiting someone in hospital.

Maisie was please to see Uncle Alan and just thought he was messing around as usual when he called her Rosie instead of Maisie (close though).

Thursday was another road trip this time to Kirkcaldy and not because Maisie had an appointment at the hospital but because she was chumming Daddy and Zach. 

Zach had his driving test so while he was away having his final lesson and the examination Maisie and Daddy took Megan for a walk in the park. 

Maisie is still to small for the swings so Daddy found something a bit more suitable for Maisie to play on but just as much fun. 

more lazing around on a cold but sunny morning

Thursday afternoon was a girly afternoon with Mummy, Meghan and Maisie going out for lunch and then on to treat themselves to some chocolate at the Cocoa Tree also in Pittenweem. Daddy loves the chocolate from there but nobody was thinking of him - they were too busy enjoying themselves.  www.pittenweemchocolate.co.uk 

I'm sure your all wondering what happened to Zach?

 He Passed! :)  

Congratulations and Drive Safely. 

Sunday 7 April 2013

oxygen reduced

Maisie and Mummy had their sleep over on Friday night. Maisie had a different machine that wouldn't alarm when her oxygen saturation dropped. Unfortunately for Mummy it did alarm all night as the heart rate monitor on the new machine did not seem to have very good contacts - Maisie's heart rate was fine. Mummy said that she would be very happy not to do another sleep over.

Maisie oxygen saturation when on her usual 0.3 litres of oxygen was at a very healthy 94-95% so the nurses tried Maisie on 02. litres. Maisie's saturation stayed at 94-95% - Good News!

The flow was then tried down at 0.1 litres but Maisie didn't fair so well at this rate and her saturation dropped down to 90% so it was turned back up to 0.2l.

It was agreed that Maisie's oxygen should be reduced to 0.2l. This is the flow rate that Maisie came home on  back in October which is good news.

Maisie playing with Uncle Alan at New Year
Maisie's Uncle Alan was taken very ill earlier in the week with an aneurysm on his brain. He had an operation on Friday which was successful and although Alan is stable. Alan is taking steps day by day towards recovery.

Daddy was with Uncle Alan on Friday and also went to visit him again with Aunty Manu on Saturday morning.

Aunty Manu then came up to visit Maisie to take some photographs with her big fancy camera. Unfortunately as usual when Maisie has visitors she decided not to smile and therefore not many great photos to share.

Sunday Maisie decided that to support Meghan with her revision for her Highers Maisie would also take some time out of her busy play schedule study;

"Does it look like I've got time to play  Mummy!" 

Friday 5 April 2013

still not rolling

Maisie is still not interested in rolling over, she is spending a lot of time playing on her side but only manages to roll over with encouragement from Daddy (a push!).

"if Daddy moved this big sheep I might be able to roll over" 

Tuesday 2 April 2013

easter monday

After a hearty breakfast it was back in the car for the journey home. It was an action packed weekend but everyone was looking forward to getting into their own beds - just one more visit to make;

"Nicole! Please listen to me, I'm trying
to say thank you for these fancy  trousers"

Daddy "made progress" along the road back to Scotland and arrived at Uncle Douglas and Aunty Margaret's in good time.

It was an important visit as Maisie was going to meet Nicole.

Nicole is Aunty Margaret and Uncle Douglas' grand daughter and her mummy Penny is extremely kind and had given Maisie lots and lots of clothes that Nicole has grown out of - Maisie is a very lucky little girl.

Maisie was transfixed by Nicole. Maisie hasn't met anyone Maisie's age before and was very interested in  everything that Nicole was doing. It was wonderful to see Maisie so interested and to watch her try to interact. It will be great when the consultants tell us that Maisie is strong enough to play and meet other children nearer her age.

Maisie got yet more toys to play with - thank you once again Nicole, Maisie will enjoy playing with them.

Uncle Douglas enjoyed getting on the floor  for some playtime with Maisie.

Maisie loves having her feet tickled

As usual Uncle spoiled our Amazing Maisie, this time his present was her first car. It is perfect to help Maisie sit and play, she'll no doubt be zooming up and down Mummy and Daddy's hallway very soon.

"will this go as fast as your car Daddy?"

Maisie had the most wonderful and enjoyable weekend visiting everyone and feels very lucky to have so much love around her. Maisie will now have lots of fun playing with all her new toys, thank you so much to everyone for being so kind.

After an action packed weekend Maisie is happy to be back home to get some peace and quiet. Daddy will have a difficult week as Maisie will expect all the cuddles that she's been getting for the last few days to continue.

Maisie will get some well deserved rest to give her time to grow and to relax during the week ahead in preparation for her sleep over at the hospital on Friday night. It will be Mummy's turn this month to get no sleep.

Easter Sunday

What a busy day it was to be;

The day started with an exchange of Easter Eggs before going to church. There was a lot of chocolate traded. Mummy was particularly happy as she'd given up sweeties and chocolate for Lent . It was a great service with a performance by the Watoto childrens choir.  Watoto is a holistic care programme that helps orphaned or vulnerable children in Uganda.

It was an amazing and moving performance that Zach and Meghan really enjoyed. Maisie was totally mesmerised by it all. It was a very noisy start to the day but Maisie took it all in her stride.

More information can be found at http://www.watoto.com

Then it was back home for a quick change as Aunty Cat had another outfit for Maisie especially for Easter;

"What's up Doc?"

"That's enough photographs thank you - let's go for dinner"

Aunty Rhona text Maisie while we were all out for dinner to say that she was missing us all that wished that she was with us. We all wished she was there with us too. Dinner was lovely but most of the attention was on Maisie who managed get a seat at the head of the table in her wee chair that she got for Christmas from Aunty Eleanor and Uncle Carl.

Maisie is getting much better at sitting in her chair and can now manage about 5 minutes before getting tired and crotchety.

"wow are you going to eat all that mixed grill Zach?"

After dinner it was off to the Annual Duck race that Daddy runs for all the children in the family. The adults can take the race a bit too seriously. While the children drop the ducks off the bridge at the start of the race as instructed, all the adults launch the ducks as far down the brook as they can. Daddy/Uncle Richard who was standing in the brook to start the race and to make sure that none of the ducks get stuck on the way to the finish line got bombarded by most of them!

Not sure who enjoys the Duck Race the most the children or the (young) adults?

Meghan was obviously pleased with her throw

The brook was running a little faster than usual and Grandpa had quite the job catching all the ducks at the finish line.

As you may imagine there were a couple of ducks that came in ahead of the rest which got disqualified (Grandma Jan and Uncle Alex). The winners of the duck race were Charlie, Callum and Ella (and Meghan).

Some of the winners collecting their prizes

After the duck race it was off up the hill to roll eggs.

Maisie, Ava and Ella struggling up the hill with Kathleen lagging behind

Everyone did a great job of decorating their eggs but there are not any pictures to share as every one was very quick to throw,rather than roll their eggs (the adults set this precedent with the ducks).

We think Gracie threw her egg the furthest, you may just be able to make her out at the bottom of the hill on the left hand side

it was a steep climb back up the hill after retrieving what was left of the eggs 

Then, Charlie and Grace gave Maisie a lovely present for Easter as she's not ready for Chocolate yet;

"Thank you very much xxx."

It was a very busy Easter Sunday and Maisie couldn't wait to get to her bed and recharge her batteries.

Maisie slept very well.  

easter saturday

Easter Saturday was a lazy day. Unfortunately Maisie's Uncle Jim and cousins Charlie and Gracie had not been very well so Maisie could not visit them. Aunty Rhona was also very disappointingly not very well so had to stay at home all the way down in London.

Maisie did get some visitors though, Grandpa and Grandma Jan came for cuddles. Maisie was so excited to get a cuddle from Grandpa that she couldn't sit still for a photograph.

"look at the lovely outfit Aunty Cat bought me Grandpa
 - it's covered in bugs!"

It turned out to be a nice and sunny day and although it was still a little cold everyone went for a walk Maisie wanted to wave at Uncle Jim and Aunty Helen through the window and although Gracie wasn't well enough to come out to play Charlie decided that he would join in the fun and came out on his scooter. Everyone wanted to push Maisie in her buggy but  no one got a look in once Uncle Alex got hold of it.

Uncle Alex proudly pushing his niece along the road

Uncle Alex wasn't as happy later on when while watching the rugby results coming in on the television Maisie decided to steal his beer;

It's seemed to be the done thing to have a beer while watching the results

"mental note to self - don't take uncles beer"

Maisie was sent to bed early for taking Uncle Alex's beer. A good night's sleep was required anyway as Sunday was going to be a busy day.

good friday

Maisie was very well behaved for the physio's visit and showed that all the home work that she'd been doing was helping her - Maisie still can't roll over but is doing very well using her arms. The  physio was very impressed!

Daddy loaded up the car on Friday with all Maisie's toys as the family was off for a Easter Holiday to stay at Aunty Cat's and Uncle Alex's..

After a long drive they arrived and Aunty Cat was extremely happy to see Maisie;

"Aunty Cat can't believe how much I've grown"

Maisie thought she'd show Aunty Cat some of the moves she needed to do for the physio;

"look what I can do!"

but Aunty Cat had to help Maisie to roll over as she still can't do it on her own.

Maisie might not be able to roll over but is keen to try and crawl

It was a Good Friday