Tuesday 4 December 2012

Maisie goes to work

Maisie went out for a walk with Mummy to see Mummy's work. There was a class on who enjoyed the distraction of meeting Maisie.

Then there was a meeting with her Health Visitor. The urine sample was not good enough to be conclusive on whether Maisie has an infection or not. As Maisie seems to be feeling better it was decided to see how she goes before taking any further action. Perhaps the sample taken at the hospital will show more.

Maisie was weighed and has only put on 70g this week, what's Amazing about Maisie'e weight today though is that it's exactly the weight the Daddy was when he was born (over 40 years ago).

Maisie is 9lb 7oz - 4.3kg. 

Tomorrow the physio is coming for a visit.


  1. Oh no! I wasn't at class yesterday because I wasn't well and didn't want to share my germs. Does this mean I missed Maisie's visit. I am jealous. however now that Maisie has had the op. for her hernia I'm sure she will start to put on weight again big style like she was before. Fingers crossed. lots of love, Win x

  2. Auntie Eleanor and Uncle Carl5 December 2012 at 12:00

    Daddy was a lovely baby too, Maisie. Love to everyone. x x x x
