Tuesday 11 December 2012

making progress

This morning when Meghan went to say goodbye to Maisie she got a wonderful start to her day; Maisie turned in recognition of Meghan's voice and gave her a big smile. It was wonderful to watch the joy in both of their faces. 

Over the last couple of days Maisie has been making great progress with recognition of voices and faces There are been a very noticeable  improvement. 

Maisie is also spending a lot more time smiling and giggling. Daddy thinks it's much more fun playing with her now. 

It was a good visit to the eye doctor. Optos have lent a machine to the eye doctor so it was just another trip to the hospital rather than all the way to Dunfermline. This is on the back of all the work that Maisie has put in having picture of her eyes taken. 

The pictures today showed that her eye are continuing to do very well however it is becoming more and more difficult to take the pictures because Maisie is now becoming more interested in everything but the machine she should be looking into. 

The eye doctor is happy to see Maisie in three weeks time - Good News. 

1 comment:

  1. Two lots of good news, wonderful! Win x
