Thursday 20 December 2012

home for tea

Maisie had a better night but Mummy didn't sleep too much. Daddy let Mummy away early, she had some work to do and then went to bed to catch up on some sleep.

Maisie's oxygen levels are back to 0.3 litres. Her heart rate is a little higher to compensate but the important thing is getting the oxygen level right.

There is still a little wheezyness which could last for a few weeks but Maisie is definitely on the road to recovery. Maisie was lucky she had mild bronchiolitis.

At the ward round it was decided that as Maisie was getting a bit better she could go home. Mummy and Daddy can give Maisie the care that she needs in the comfort of her own bed. There is also less risk of Maisie catching any other infections.

sleeping peacefully in her own cot

Maisie was happy to be going home and was all smiles when Daddy put her in the car seat. They got home just in time for tea and Mummy woke up to a wonderful surprise when Daddy put Maisie into her arms.


  1. Goosebumps moment and a lovely photo! Your pressie should arrive soon, Maisie xx

  2. Thank God she is well enough to come home and such an adorable photo. Win x

  3. hi maisie! we haven't been on your blog in months and i can 't believe how big you have grown - wishing you and all the family a lovely first christmas from all the Brogans xxx
