Thursday 30 August 2012

playing in the garden

Maisie gave Daddy a wee scare today when he arrived. Maisie had a de-saturation the nurses were dealing with. Maisie does have the occasional desat. which she recovers from on her own however this one took a short time to rectify. Once Maisie had recovered she replenished her energy by taking a feed from Mummy.

Maisie oxygen saturation settled down in the 80's dropping slightly into the 70%'s every now and then which Maisie rectified on her own. This could be due to Maisie being tired. Maisie managed to have just bottle feeds during the last 24 hours which is a great improvement but very tiring. This is a step closer to getting home if Maisie can manage to take her feeds well.

Maisie had another busy day; she was out in her chair during the morning, had lots of feeds, cuddles and breast feeding with Mummy and more cuddles and stories with Daddy. Even though Maisie's sats were up and down the nurses managed to reduce Maisie's oxygen supply to 38%. Another step closer to home.

Hearing Charlie and Gracie's letters made Maisie feel better
Maisie got a parcel from Uncle Jim, Aunty Helen and her cousins Dan, Charlie and Gracie. It was full of beautiful outfits and bibs. Thank you so much.

Maisie especially liked the pictures and letters that Charlie and Gracie sent. Maisie thought that their hand writing was very neat and their drawings were excellent. Maisie could imagine just what it would be like to be out playing in the garden with her big cousins.

It looks like a lot of fun and Maisie can't wait to meet Charlie and Gracie so that they can go out to play. Maisie has something else to dream about now.

Daddy loves Maisie too


  1. Lovely photos. I don't understand the desats but I hope and pray they are fine today and Maisie continues on her very positive journey bringing her nearer to coming home and we can have the joy of seeing her.

  2. aunty gloria and uncle johnstone31 August 2012 at 08:38

    keep it up maisie you are doing very well. well done also to mum and dad. keep the blog going it is great.
    love from us all xxx

  3. Blythe and Archie Taylor31 August 2012 at 18:56

    Hey Maisie, we are so glad you are getting better and better. We can't wait to see you in St Monans!

    Blythe and Archie, 27 Station rd

    1. Hi Blythe and Archie,

      Thank you for your note - I look forward to meeting you. When I get out of the hospital we might be able to play if I'm well enough.

      Love Maisie
