Thursday 16 August 2012

clothes that fit

Maisie is back to her wide awake and alert self. It was lovely to see Maisie looking well today and taking in the world around her. Maisie was playing with her toys and even tried to suckle one of her orange owl's feet.

"do you think Mummy will notice if I take her
pretty necklace while she sleeping?" 
It's good for Maisie to learn how to suckle so Daddy replaced the owls foot with Maisie's pacifier. The Nurses say that she is a bit like Maggie from the Simpsons and can hear her sucking from across the ward.

Maisie balanced out all her activity for a while chilling out having Kangaroo Care with Mummy. 

Maisie's oxygen saturation level is good, Maisie's oxygen supply and pressure is good and Maisie's blood gases are good.

Maisie has put in weight and is 2,125g or 4lbs 11oz - which is good!

Daddy even found clothes to fit Maisie so she's looking good - eventually Maisie fits into something that Grandma Jan knitted. Thank you.

taking time to rest after a good day

all in all Maisie and Mummy and Daddy had a good day. 


  1. Auntie Eleanor and Uncle Carl16 August 2012 at 23:14

    So glad all of you had such a good day. Think Mummy enjoys the Kangaroo care as well. Love to all the family. x x x x x

  2. What a great day! How many weeks old are you now, as you come up to your due date, Maisie?
