Sunday 5 August 2012

a lazy day for some

Maisie put on another 50g which is great but not for Mummy as this means that Maisie's feeds increase.

Zach drove Mummy and Daddy to the hospital early to get milk to Maisie on time and then Daddy and Zach left Mummy as the hospital while they went to Zach's race meeting.  He came a fantastic second.

Meanwhile Meghan spent a busy day at work followed by a party to mark the end of the Pittenweem Festival and a very busy week.

Maisie continued to breast feed and seems to be enjoying it a lot (nearly as much as Mummy). Maisie's heart rate has been quite high again so the consultants have put Maisie's dose of Sildenafil back up to see if that will help reduce it. Maisie's oxygen saturation is still in the low 80's and her supply is still at 100%.

Aunty Eleanor and Uncle Carl visited and brought a new wee outfit and a lovely little music box. Thank you.

what a perfectly lazy day. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so pleased that Maisie continues to breast feed, this is a such an important next step for her. Well done Maisie. Love the socks!
    Love Win x.
