Friday 17 August 2012

an afternoon with Daddy

Mummy had to go to the dentist so Daddy had Maisie to himself. Maisie spent the best part of the afternoon sleeping and Daddy decided that babies can be quite boring while they are sleeping.

Maisie was re-weighed and is 2,210g or 4lbs 14oz, she really is getting big, Maisie's heart rate is still good and her oxygen supply around 48%. Maisie's oxygen saturation is down a little at about 80% but nothing to worry about.

The last of the test results are back and Maisie does have a wee infection in her nose which she will take a course of antibiotics for. It doesn't seem to be affecting her.

When Maisie did wake up Daddy played with her and her toys and read Maisie the paper. Maisie also did her usual trick of waiting to wee-wee until Daddy had taken off her nappy. Daddy is sure that Maisie does this just so that Daddy gets to choose her outfit (he also has to change the bed). This is becoming a regular occurrence.

Daddy and Maisie  got a couple of hours Kangaroo Care together which was of great benefit to both.

It was an amazing afternoon.


  1. Auntie Eleanor and Uncle Carl17 August 2012 at 22:58

    Maisie, even a daddy is boring when he is sleeping! We think you are all amazing. Lots of love. x x x x

  2. Well said, Auntie Eleanor, your Daddy made me laugh with that comment!
