Monday 13 August 2012

a busy old day

Maisie's new outfit looks like it was designed
for babies with giant feet
Maisie had a lovely afternoon spent with Mummy. Daddy was with Uncle Douglas putting tiles up in the kitchen. 
Uncle Douglas and Aunty Margaret really spoiled Maisie today; Maisie got a new outfit and also a rocking chair, she is a very lucky girl.

The nurses thought that Maisie was getting a little  bored lying in bed and needed to sit in a chair to watch the world go by - when Maisie gets chance to sit in her new, very special chair  Daddy will post a photograph. Thank you so much. 

It started off a lovely Sunday afternoon with Mummy getting lots of "Maisie time." Maisie's oxygen saturation was fine at about 85% with a good heart rate and the supply was 3 litres per hour. There were lots of cuddles and the flow got turned down to 1 litre. 

A new bed for Daddy's big girl

Aunty Eleanor and Uncle Carl came to visit and luckily there were no nurses present to tell Uncle off for tickling Maisie's toes while she was getting cuddles from Mummy. 

Maisie has been doing so well that she got a big girls cot. It was a busy old day, Maisie got weighed (she's put on 15g or 1/2 oz) and then did a bit of breast feeding. 

Maisie has been busy the last few days; eye test, new ventilator, breast feeding, cuddles, sleeping etc. 

Unfortunately all this has tired out My Amazing Maisie and this evening she had two big bradycardias (slow heart rate). This may be linked to her having the sniffles and is also likely to be because Maisie is tired out from breathing on her own. This was quite a scare for Mummy and Daddy and Maisie didn't seem to happy about it either. 

The fantastic medical team had everything under control. They have taken blood samples to see if Maisie could have a viral infection, results will be tomorrow. Maisie's blood gases showed that she had been struggling and her carbon dioxide levels were high. 

The team have put Maisie back on to the CPAP machine (continuous positive airway pressure) to make it easier for Maisie to breathe. They also took Maisie off her feeds and put her back on a drip to take pressure off her diaphragm which again will help Maisie breathe more easily. This means Maisie is back to wearing a hat and covering up her beautiful hair.

While all this was happening Aunty Rhona came to visit Maisie who managed to open her wee eyes  for her special visitor all the way from London. Let's hope Maisie is feeling better tomorrow and ready to listen to some of Aunty Rhona's stories and maybe get to try out her fancy new chair.

Maisie: "Would you be happy if you had to look like an elephant again?"

Since going onto the CPAP Maisie is a lot more settled with no further bradys and her saturation is back to normal (for Maisie).

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