Tuesday 21 August 2012

daddy's little froggie

Maisie had a great day - as long as she was being fed

Feed me..........
Maisie loves being on her bottle and is putting on lots of weight and now weighs 5lb 1oz or 2.3kgs.

Maisie had a lovely day playing with Mummy and Daddy. The only downside to the day was when Maisie needed to have her vaccinations. Maisie had a couple of injections, she was very brave and only cried fleetingly before getting big hugs from her Daddy. Maisie is learning that Daddy will keep her safe and look after her.

Maisie's oxygen supply is at 50% and her saturation is stable. Maisie's blood gases are also very good especially her carbon dioxide levels.

Daddy treated Maisie by dressing her in one of Aunty Rhona's outfits;

"What's that you're saying? .......really?
 but my Daddy told me this outfit was cool!" 

"not to worry, check out my matching bootees"


  1. Oh Maisie your outfit is very cool, I love it :-)
    Pleased to hear you are making such good progress, you're such a wee star. Love to you all, Ax

  2. Karen, Dougie, James and Lucy22 August 2012 at 12:48

    Its great to see Maisie as a wee frog rather than with her elephant mask on. xxx
