Monday 20 August 2012

Impatient patient

Maisie was determined to get off the CPAP and seemed to spend most of the morning wrestling with her mask. This did not really help Maisie as her mask couldn't get a proper seal.

It was decided that the impatient little madam was to get her own way. The consultants decided that as the CPAP was uncomfortable for Maisie and that she could take the next step and go back onto the Hi-flow. This is the machine that Maisie spent a lot of time on at 100% oxygen supply. It is lovely to see Maisie's hair again.

"Mummy all  this sleeping is good for me
 - you should try it too!"
All the sleeping and growing Maisie has done over the last few days has really helped her and Maisie is currently on 48% oxygen supply. This is an Amazing improvement.

Maisie is on 3 hourly feeds and is managing well from the bottle and from Mummy.


  1. A Croker who knows their own mind? Imagine! What a lovely photo too..

  2. What a lovely photo and she looks so cosy and comfortable.
    Win x
