Monday 23 July 2012


Maisie has been taken off her continuous feed and is now taking her feeds hourly. This is to help prepare Maisie for going home by learning to feed properly.

Maisie's oxygen supply is still high, it hit 100% over night and is currently about 90%. Maisie's lungs are working to capacity. The chronic lung disease Maisie has as we know is bad -  lets pray that the steroids will work.

Mummy and Daddy were talking to the consultant today who told them that it takes about 6 weeks for the steroids that Maisie is on to take effect. Another 4 weeks and we'll find out how they are doing.

Meanwhile Maisie is putting on a lot of weight that leads to good growth that will also help her lungs.  There were no cuddles today as Maisie was sleeping the day away which is also good as while Maisie is sleeping she is growing.

Tomorrow Maisie has another eye test. Hopefully Maisie's eyes will be okay otherwise it's a trip to Edinburgh to get them sorted.

Maisie is eating well, has a good oxygen saturation and her blood gases are good. There are lots of positives at the moment.

My Amazing Maisie is making good progress. 


  1. Was great to see you again today, you looked lovely xx

  2. Keep up the good rest and growth Maisie you're doing so well! Praying these steroids do their job well. Love and hugs xxx

  3. I really enjoyed seeing you today Maisie! You're growing thats for sure. It was lovely to see your Mummy and Daddy too! Prayers and love to you all xxx

  4. Sleep, eat and grow and a few cuddles in between or Mummy and Daddy will get withdrawal symptoms, and praying for a good result in four weeks time. lots of love, Win x

  5. Auntie Eleanor and Uncle Carl24 July 2012 at 09:34

    Keep resting and growing Maisie. Praying for good results.
    Love and prayers for the family. xxxxxx
