Thursday 26 July 2012

medal winner

Tonight was family night for Maisie but unfortunately Zach couldn't make it as he had a race. Maisie got a new Hairy Maclary book; Hairy Maclary and Zachary Quack which Meghan read to Maisie along with some other stories. This made up for Zach not being there.

Mummy, I might need the real thing soon! 

Maisie has grown another 90g and weighs 1,620g (3lb 9oz). Maisie is really packing on the weight with all Mummy's milk. Maisie is getting a lot of milk as the consultants are needing her to grow.

At some point Maisie will be a good size and her growth will slow down as they will reduce her feeds - at the moment Maisie is being overfed a little.  

Maisie had a few de-saturation and bradycardia episodes today which needed tactile stimulation to help her recover and also a few that she recovered from herself. The consultants are not to worried and just need Maisie to keep growing. Maisie's oxygen supply has been about 100% for most of the day.

Last night on the ward they held a Baby Olympic Games - Maisie won a medal for "just having a nap"


  1. How good it is to see Maisie growing so well. Keep it up Maisie and enjoy all those stories.
    Lots of love Win x

  2. Maisie is doing so well with her weight and we are all praying for her today. Consultants are very clever folk and I'm certain Maisie's eye surgeon will be the best.

    Lots of love, Marcia
