Tuesday 3 July 2012

keeping an eye on the world

Mummy is happy as Maisie has been smiling all day. Daddy is sure that it was more likely that Maisie needed to fill her nappy.

Other than needing to fill her nappy Maisie had another great day snoozing and eating. Maisie is spending a lot more time with her eyes open and certainly seems to be taking in every thing that is happening around her. Whenever there is something going on in the ward Maisie opens her little eyes as if to check out what's happening,

taking it all in, listening to everything that's going on....

Maisie is getting a lot of gifts including a lot of soft toys and knitwear (thank you Grandma Jan). Thank you  for your gifts everyone is very kind. Here's a selection as arranged by Mummy and Meghan; 

every toy bigger than Maisie

A dear friend told us today that her favorite quote from Winnie the Pooh is;

 "sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart"   

........this certainly seems the case for My Amazing Maisie. 


  1. I think that might have been a quote on the missing frame gift :-( Tara can confirm.
    Maisie even looking more alert in the photo :-)
    Love from Amanda, Colin, Andrew and Harry in Belfast

  2. Love the quotation and Maisie is really coming on which gladdens the heart. love Win x

  3. it is indeed. i will remake maisie's missing pressie when i get back from holidays. sending all our love and best wishes for her steroid treatment. keep strong maisie xx
