Sunday 15 July 2012

Mummy had a happy day

Maisie had a very good night and got her Oxygen supply levels down to 80% - this is a great improvement!

The consultants are happy with Maisies stability and decided to try some more ways to help her breath and grow.

Firstly Maisie was taken off the CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine - and put on a High Flow machine. This forces Maisie to breath on her own without the support of the pressure the previous machine aided her with. Maisie's oxygen supply is still at 80% but will hopefully continue to fall.

Maisie has taken to the new breathing apparatus well so far. Maisie had her blood gases checked after a couple of hours and they had improved slightly. GOOD NEWS. It is also much more comfortable to wear giving Maisie reduced stress.

look at my new tubes....

Maisie's visitors are always shocked by how small Maisie is when they actually see her. In a lot of the pictures on her blog the feedback is that she looks like a normal baby.To highlight again how wee My Amazing Maisie is (although she is growing) here is another picture with Daddy's hand;

Maisie loves holding Daddy's hand

Some photos will soon be posted with some everyday items to indicate Maisies true size.

By the way have you noticed the colour of Maisies hair now her wee hat is off? It's getting lighter - could it be getting more ginger?  Cousin Lynne and Iain visited today and Lynne is confident that Maisie is going to be one of the lucky few.

Maisie was also well enough to get more cuddles which made Mummy really happy. Kangaroo care is really helping.

The second thing that the consultants have decided to do for Maisie is to try her on another drug. Maisie will take Sildenafil four times a day. This is a vasodilator which causes the blood vessels to relax allowing improved blood flow, particularly decreasing pulmonary arterial resistance and pressure and will hopefully allow for better exchange of gases. This will help improve delivery of oxygen to all Maisies organs and stimulate growth - just what Maisie needs.

By the way some of you may know Sildenafil better by it's trade name..............Viagra.


  1. What can i say she is beautiful and such a fighter. love to you all xxx

  2. Maisie, you were teasing us last week when you has us all do worried and here you are, doing brilliantly. Keep it up :-) (no Viagra pun intended)

  3. Delighted at the improvement and pray for some progress every day. as to the new drug, well as long as it works!
    Much love Winx

  4. What a beautiful picture. She's perfect, and with such a lot of hair! Keep up the good work Maisie! X
