Monday 5 November 2012

sleep over done

Maisie slept well at the hospital but Mummy didn't. Even though the nurses were very quiet on their hourly visit to check Maisie's monitor it still disturbed Mummy. Don't worry though Mummy managed to catch up on a wee bit of sleep during the afternoon.

Maisie's oxygen saturation needed to be over 92% which it was for most of the night. Unfortunately it fell to about 70% while Maisie was feeding.

When Mummy and Daddy met with the consultant it was decided to keep Maisie at the oxygen levels that she is currently on for the moment and it will be reviewed again in 4 weeks time.

Maisie also got her Synagis injection along with her Flu jab. - they made her really grumpy for the rest of the day and Maisie never really settled until mid evening. Hopefully she will be so tired that she will get a good nights sleep.

Maisie also had a meeting with her dietitian while at the hospital. Maisie was weighed and has not put on very much weight this week; only an ounce or so - she is now 8lbs 7.5oz or 3.84kg. To help Maisie gain weight she has been put on a different milk with an even higher calorific content. This is so that Maisie can stay on the same volume of milk but get more energy as she is already struggling with the quantities. Daddy is proud of her though as she's managing about a pint a day. Hopefully this will help her gain more significantly. We'll meet he dietitian again in a couple of weeks.

The nurse who teaches Mummy and Daddy massage therapy visited Maisie at home in the afternoon - there is now going to be more focus on massage that will stimulate digestion and growth.

It was a very busy day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that is over with. The jags must have hurt and I know a number of adults who have felt sore and uncomfortable after the flu jab and Maisie had two! Poor Maisie. I hope you all had a peaceful night back home. I wish I could donate a pound or two to Maisie as I have extra to get rid of! she did very well last week so maybe with having the hospital visit and the jabs over and done with she will put on some weight this week. Lots of love Win x
