Wednesday 28 November 2012

maybe tomorrow

It was too cold to go out for a walk. It didn't really matter as Maisie wasn't in the mood for a walk. It wasn't a great day for Maisie who didn't feel like eating either. There has been a good amount of sleep this afternoon which will help Maisie with her growth.

Maisie finds it most comfortable with her bottom up in the air 

The Doctors called about her operation asking how much notice Mummy and Daddy need to leave for Edinburgh. Daddy is all organised and every ones bags are packed to leave straight away. The Doctors were pleased to hear this and said that they are hoping that there will be a free bed tomorrow. We're praying it will be for Maisie.


  1. I was away for a few days and was so sorry to read of Maisie's discomfort with her hernia when I got back. It must be awful for all of you. I pray today is Maisie's day for a bed and she can have her operation and feel well again and you can all have some peace of mind and some sleep. With much love, Win x

  2. Awh bless ma fingers are still crossed u get the call all ma love to u all tanya xx
