Sunday 4 November 2012

needed cheered up

You'll be please to know that Maisie slept a little better last night. Mummy slept quite well too, in fact Mummy slept right through Maisie's apnea monitor alarm. Don't worry Daddy got up to check that Maisie was breathing - she was!

Mummy did get up later to feed Maisie while Daddy caught up on a little sleep. It was really kind of Mummy to get up during the night instead of Daddy - he deserved a break.

Maisie wasn't her best today and didn't want to play as much as usual, she slept well through the morning but was a little grumpy later in the day. The hernia was slightly out on and off throughout the day giving her discomfort. Also Maisie seemed a wee bit wheezy - hopefully this will not lead to anything and she is just having an off day. Maisie will have her chest checked at the hospital tomorrow evening.

Maisie needed cheered up and when Grand Uncle Douglas and Grand Aunty Margaret popped around for a visit that seemed to do just the job. Uncle and Aunty helped feed Maisie while Mummy prepared a lovely dinner with help from Meghan (it sounds like Daddy really was getting a good rest!).

Old Uncle cheered up Maisie! 

Tomorrow Maisie will have a sleep over at the hospital with Mummy. Maisie will be monitored hourly to see what her oxygen saturation is like and her oxygen supply adjusted accordingly. Hopefully it will be turned down helping to wean Maisie off her oxygen.

1 comment:

  1. I am very jealous of Maisie's slippers - I wonder if they make them in adult sizes?!
