Wednesday 14 November 2012


The Sick Kids hospital called Daddy just as he packing up the car for the adventure to Edinburgh.

Bad News - the operation is postponed and the hospital will call again on Monday with an update.

Unfortunately there are a lot of children with a virus which is causing problems for the hospital - this would put Maisie at risk. They explored all the possibilities and could not come up with a risk free solution.

Other than the disappointment that there was no trip to Edinburgh, Maisie had a good day with lots of play and smiles!

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry and disappointed for you that the operation has been postponed but there is a nasty sickness bug going about which has affected hospital wards and nursing homes and the last thing Maisie or you need is that, so better safe than sorry. Monday isn't too far away. Let's pray the hernia doesn't pop out too much till then. Much love, Win x
