Friday 30 November 2012

Maisie is in Edinburgh

The day started with a call from the surgeon. But there had been no word from the Doctor. He'll call back.

Daddy called the doctors to find out if there was any news. There wasn't and there wouldn't be for a couple of days. Not good.

Daddy spoke to the surgeons office and told them the situation. They'll call back.

Meanwhile Maisie had the good nights sleep she was needing and had slept for nearly 7 hours in a row waking briefly to pull her prongs off her face and then requesting rather loudly that Daddy replaced them in a timely manor. Maisie got her own way of course and Daddy resolved the prong situation quickly.

The surgeon called back. Can Maisie be in Edinburgh for mid afternoon? "Of course" was the reply.

This was Maisie's first visit to Edinburgh and she was really excited. Especially as she was going to the Sick Kids Hospital. It's in Marchmont and Maisie has heard many stories all about another Maisie who was from near Marchmont - MaiseMacKenzie the Morningside Cat.

Maisie has been examined and will meet the anesthetist in the morning who will decide whether or not Maisie will be able to have the operation. If she can then it most likely that it will be tomorrow and then if all goes well Maisie could be discharged on Sunday. Of course this also depends on there still being an intensive care bed available.

If Maisie does have her operation and get to go home on Sunday it will be via Kirkcaldy as Sunday night is scheduled to be her sleep over to have her oxygen levels checked. This will be followed by her synagis injection and a meeting with the dietitian. It's non-stop for Maisie.

Mummy gets to stay over with Maisie at the hospital. Yet another girly night together. Daddy will have to bed down at the flat with Megan.

Mummy read Maisie the bedtime story - "Maisie goes to hospital"

1 comment:

  1. What a weekend for you all. I hope Maisie is well enough for the operation , all goes well and after the appointments at Kirkcaldy you can come home to Maisie feeding and sleeping well and putting on weight without all this pain she has had. Much love win xxx
