Friday 2 November 2012

a long night......and day

Well Daddy didn't get his wish, Maisie was restless most of the night as Maisie's hernia continually popped in and out all night. Poor wee Maisie.

And it continued for most of the day, Daddy was really please to see Mummy at 3pm this afternoon to give him a wee break.

Maisie wasn't feeling up for a walk today which was a shame as she got a new hat in the post from Grandma Jan (at the request of Mummy so Maisie would match Daddy) - Thank you.

no it's not hair it's Maisie's new hat!

Mummy is taking a turn to look after Maisie tonight to give Daddy a rest. 

Daddy helping Mummy getting Maisie
settled before bedtime
Maisie had a long night....and day so will hopefully have a better sleep tonight. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm really sorry about the hernia, how horrible that must be, but the photos are great and Maisie looks adorable in her hat. hope for a better day and night today. Win x
