Thursday 7 February 2013

physio visited

There was good news from the hospital today - there is no urinary tract infection to worry about.

It was a lovely day in the East Neuk of Fife so Daddy took Maisie out for a walk along the coast with Megan for the first time in a while. It's been far too windy recently.

What Mummy dresses Maisie in to go out;

"really Mummy, do I have to wear this?"

This colour doesn't suit Daddy so Maisie has a different outfit; 

classy and fabulous! 

The physio visited Maisie today and said that she could see that Maisie had made progress. Maisie is now following things with her eyes, holding her focus when shown her toys which she wasn't really doing couple of weeks ago. 

Mummy and Daddy need to encourage different movements from Maisie when they play with her. Maisie needs to learn to reach out to take the toys she's looking at. She is happy to hold her toys if she happens upon them or has them placed into her hands but is not actively taking the toys to find out more about them. 

Playing with Maisie will now involve getting her to follow her toy to her hand with her eyes and then placing it into her hand so that she will learn to take things. Maisie will also benefit from help shaking the toy or putting it in her mouth. 

It is also important to regularly change Maisie's toys that she is playing with so that she can experience different textures and noises, something Mummy and Daddy weren't doing as they were using the same toys again and again just because Maisie liked them. 

Maisie was also shown some ways that she can be supported in her chair to help her sit in a better, to have a better posture and learn to use her arms. Maisie will be focusing on reaching out and using her shoulder and arms in a different way. 

Maisie is progressing well and is not causing the physio any major concerns however there is a little bit of work for Maisie to do before her next physio visit in 2 weeks. 

If Maisie takes small steps every day she'll get there one day! 

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