Thursday 21 February 2013

homework to do

Wednesday was a quiet day, Maisie and Daddy went out for a walk and then Maisie decided to help Daddy find work;

"Do you think Daddy will notice if I taste his coffee"

The physio visited Thursday and was extremely happy with Maisie's progress. There has been a noticeable change in Maisie's development.

Maisie is now holding things with both hands, looking at what she's holding and putting it in her mouth all on her own. She is also learning to sit up, balance and of course how to bang a spoon on the table. These are all conscious movements that Maisie is making.  

"I am done performing!" 
Mummy and Daddy need to continue encouraging Maisie to actively reach out and take things as she is still not really interested in picking things unless she happens upon them although she did seem to want the colourful dog that Aunty Eleanor gave her while the physio was playing - more progress.

The physio will be back in 3 weeks and during those weeks Maisie has some homework to do. Maisie will be focusing on rolling over onto her tummy. Mummy and Daddy have been shown some techniques to encourage this and help her move in the correct way.

Maisie also has to learn to reach out and reach upwards, this can be done while playing when she is on her back, on her side or in her chair (on her backside).

Maisie will also spend a short time each day learning how to sit in her high chair. Again Mummy and Daddy have been shown techniques to help with this - it's all to do with helping her balance and not actually making her sit up straight. One of the methods to help Maisie is to put her elbows on the table.

Daddy wasn't so sure  that this was a good idea as he'd always been told by Maisie's Gran that it was rude to have your elbows on the dinner table.

When Maisie decided she had done all the of performing for the physio that she was going to do she became her usual grumpy self  - this amazingly caused Maisie's posture to improve proving that she is capable.

Maisie had a busy day enjoying her new found skills and was ready for an early night.

"Yay, I love my bed!" 

Maisie really was a little cutie today. 

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