Tuesday 26 February 2013

bigger and stronger

Maisie and Mummy had a very relaxing weekend. There were visits to the park to throw the ball for Megan the dog and there was even a trip to St Andrews for a coffee in a quite corner of the shop where Meghan works.

Maisie also spent time playing with her new toys that were sent over from Ireland from God-cousin Andrew and his brother Harry. Mummy read Maisie the book about animals and couldn't believe how many different ones there are. Maisie liked the picture of the tortoise best.

Maisie does love her Daddy but not perhaps
when he leaves her for a couple of days

Maisie also couldn't believe some of the impressions Mummy did of the animals - they make some funny noise's especially the elephants.

 The elephants are not a noisy as the Little Singing Bear that Andrew and Harry also sent which sings beautifully and will teach Maisie some lovely songs -however it doesn't have a volume control and also doesn't appear to switch off either.

Little Singing Bear periodically prompts you play with it and is already starting to drive Mummy and Daddy crazy.

Maisie was very happy to see that Scotland won their game against Ireland although it is a confusing result and she will need to study the rules a little closer - how could Scotland have beaten Ireland if they didn't touch the ball?   Daddy was very happy with the result and arrived home very tired due to exuberant celebrations.

Maisie is continuing to eat well and is getting bigger and stronger day by day;

Maisie 6 months ago wearing the same bib. 

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing difference six months have made. Wishing Maisie growing health and strength every day!
