Saturday 16 February 2013

lovely and relaxing

It was a lovely and relaxing day for Mummy and Maisie which consisted primarily of lying on the settee watching typically poor Saturday afternoon movies.

There were also a lot of visitor and most of them all at once; there are a lot of people in the Ward family.

Maisie enjoyed her visitors
 - you can tell this as she's not looking grumpy for a change

Maisie is continuing to feed well but is not interested in taking any solids.She doesn't seem to want any bananas, carrots or baby rice. We'll not push her as she'll take them when she's good and ready. Maisie gets more calories from taking her milk supplement which she continues to enjoy. 

Then Geraldine popped around to meet Maisie and brought a tasty cake with her - Thank you. 

Thank you also to Meghan  for baby sitting for a couple of hours while Mummy and Daddy popped out to see some friends. 

Sunday will be an exciting day - Maisie is going on a road trip to visit Aunty Eleanor and Uncle Carl for Sunday dinner. 

1 comment:

  1. sweet potato was always a winner in our house :D
