Wednesday 10 October 2012

out for a walk

Mummy went out early, Zach went to college and Meghan went to work. Daddy was left holding the baby!

Daddy and Maisie had a great day putting a routine together for Maisie's feeding, medication and playtime, it all worked very smoothly until Mummy came home and just wanted lots of Maisie time - this is understandable however Daddy is sure that Maisie is looking forward to getting back into her routine tomorrow.

Playtime on the new "Baby gym" Maisie bought with her gift from
Grand Uncle Johnstone and Grand Aunty Gloria

The first of many adventures for the trio
The weather was beautiful so Mummy, Daddy, Maisie and Megan went for a walk along the coast. Mummy was there to make sure that Maisie would be safe out walking with Daddy - she was so Daddy will get out on his own in the future. Maisie has a comfortable carrier that goes on Daddy's front and a wee rucksack for carrying the oxygen cylinder.

The fresh sea air will be a great tonic for Maisie!

Maisie woke up very early this morning much to Daddy's dismay. Hopefully Maisie will sleep well tonight after her walk;

Zonked out after her trip 
Maisie is looking good and feeding well, but has not filled her nappy since coming home, let's hope that we get a good old stinky nappy soon!


  1. Great to catch up with the news, finally managed to get the wifi working on holiday in Florida, glad u managed to get out for a walk with Maisie and Megan, looking forward to being able to join u all with AOH as well, luv the wards x

  2. Brilliant to be able to get out for walks in the sun and fresh sea air. I love the photo of Maisie zonked out1
    Win x
