Friday 19 October 2012

just fed

Nothing exceptional happened today except for Maisie feeding.

Maisie just fed all day, generally grazing on her milk all day long.

Daddy got very little done apart from feed Maisie who Daddy is sure ended up eating more than him. Daddy didn't have time to eat as each time he tried to Maisie pointed out that she is much more important than Daddy and that she should be fed instead.

She's bound to have put some weight on this week - we'll find out on Monday when she get's weighed.


  1. Well I suppose eating all day is good because they want her to put on weight and grow so that helps her lungs improve so perhaps the solution is for daddy to make sandwiches and a flask of coffee first thing in the morning so he doesn't starve to death. However Maisie might want some as well! Great to hear she is feeding well and no hernia problems yesterday. love win x

  2. loving win's plan!!! happy eating maisie xx
