Wednesday 31 October 2012

brave girl

Maisie had a busy morning. She was playing on her baby gym mat one minute and when Daddy turned to check on her Maisie had managed to pull herself across the mat and onto the carpet. Daddy will need to have a more watchful eye going forward.

There were also stories to be read. Maisie has been given a couple of new books; Curious George's Happy Halloween which we hope doesn't give Maisie nightmares as it was all about ghosts and witches. Maisie also got baby's very first black and white book.

Maisie was really taken by the large black and white animals in the book. The black and white gives the highest contrast  to the eye and so appears very visible and attractive to Maisie.

Maisie also had her booster jabs today. Maisie was a brave girl and barely cried.

It was a long day and Maisie fell asleep early;

what a big smile - what can Maisie be dreaming of? 

1 comment:

  1. Love the happy smiley photo and obviously Maisie is going to take after her Mummy with her keep fit. Go Maisie go and keep Daddy on his toes!!! Win x
