Wednesday 17 October 2012

it was another long day

Maisie arose fairly early and as usual Daddy got up to feed her to let Mummy sleep on a while. It had been a long night with Maisie seeming to be quite unsettled.

It was a busy morning feeding and playing before getting ready for a trip out, little did Maisie know that it was going to be a visit to the Hospital to visit the eye doctor.

Maisie really enjoyed the ride in Daddy's car, it was a very smooth and comfortable drive that made good progress along the road arriving quickly yet safely at the hospital.  Mummy and Daddy made a mental note - Maisie loves the car and sleeps well when travelling.

Maisie snoozing after a long dayh

Maisie loved seeing all her Aunty's again but wasn't so pleased to see the eye doctor. It was better news; the eyes are showing some changes that look as though the blood vessel are starting to grow around the retina in the right direction. Next Tuesday may be a visit further afield to Dunfermline where the eye doctor would like to take some pictures of Maisie's eyes.

The day changed when Maisie got home though; Maisie was very agitated and grumpy which was upsetting for Mummy and Daddy who couldn't console her. Maisie's hernia had reared it's ugly head again and was refusing to pop back in. As Maisie was in such discomfort it meant another trip to the hospital!

Maisie's hernia was still out on arrival at the hospital for the doctor to see. Fortunately the hernia popped back in while at the hospital and the doctor allowed Maisie to come back home. Mummy and Daddy hope that this will speed up the process of seeing the surgeon. The doctor said that Maisie will need an operation it's just a matter of when. The operation will be in Edinburgh.

Mummy and Daddy will keep their bags backed just in case Maisie's hernia pops out again as it could mean another dash to the hospital. It could cause problems if it stays out as it could trap the intestine stopping the flow of waste out. Let's pray that Maisie will see the surgeon before this happens.

It was another long day for Maisie (and Mummy and Daddy too) 

1 comment:

  1. "it was a very smooth and comfortable drive that made good progress along the road arriving quickly yet safely at the hospital." Aye, right. Richard, you protest too much. Do you mean a white knuckle dash attempting to break the Anstruther to Kirkcaldy land speed record?
