Thursday 14 June 2012

Maisie is home in Kirkcaldy

What a great day!

Maisie has had a good day and was stable enough to get home, well back to the Victoria in Kirkcaldy.

Bye Bye Glasgow
A big thank you to all the Surgeons, Doctors, Nurses, Transport People, Housing folk and anyone else that helped out with Maisies stay in Glasgow Mummy and Daddy really appreciated everything that you did.

The hospital tried to lower the pressure they give Maisie today but she is not quite ready to be weaned off the ventilator yet. The pressures are back up and Maisie is getting a higher ammount of Oxygen. This is all part of Maisie recovering from yesterdays operation.

With Maisie having her operation and fasting Mummy has been adding to her milk mountain. Daddy did a bit of research and arranged a meeting with a lady from the Donor Milk Bank. Breast Milk is particulary important for premature and ill babies but sometimes mothers of these babies are unable to provide breast milk. Hopefully Mummy will be able to help some other wee babies as well as Maisie.

Daddy also found away that he may be able to help and also have some fun,,,, Daddy is going to register with ScotsERVS (Emergency Rider Volunteer Service) who support the Donor Milk Bank who assist with the collection and delivery. They are trying to build a network of bikers around Scotland to help with transportation of blood and other medical suppplies

Thank to everyone for reading this blog and for all the comments, the family find them very encouraging and helpful. We feel a huge strength from the support you are giving us particularly during this difficult week.
It was very hard for half of the family to be in Glasgow and the other half at home.

Thank you, all our love,
Richard, Suzy, Zach, Meghan, Maisie and of course Megan (she has had a great week with so many walks this from everyone looking after her - Thank you)

Strangely enough we're looking forward to going to Kirkcaldy tomorrow, we've missed our new friends there.


  1. Was good to see you both tonight and you both get a good sleep xxx

  2. Uncle Douglas and Aunty Margaret14 June 2012 at 23:06

    Hi Maisie good news today, a big thanks to all the doctors and staff in Glasgow. Daddy and Mummy give Maisie, Zach, Meghan and yourselves Hugs and Kisses from the Broxburn Family.

  3. Grandpa and Grandma Jan14 June 2012 at 23:08

    Great that you're back 'home'. Looking forward to Maisie recovering more day by day and must say Richard you do a wonderful job with the blog though I have to stay up later than usual to get the latest edition!!!! :-)
    Love to all as ever xxxx

  4. Auntie Eleanor and Uncle Carl14 June 2012 at 23:18

    Maisie, good news you are back in Kirkcaldy. Zach & Meghan will be glad you are all back together. Mummy and Daddy will be pleased they may be able to help others but Daddy must be very careful on his bike. Auntie Eleanor says so!
    Our thanks to all the doctors, nurses and any other staff who helped Maisie and her Mummy and Daddy when they were in Glasgow. Lots of love, hugs and kisses from all the Marshalls. You are special to us and in our thoughts daily.

  5. Thank you for donating. Our bikers are a group called ScotERVS who can be found at

  6. Such positive news that maisie is back in kirkcaldy. hopefully she Will keep getting stronger every day.
    It is wonderful that you are thinking of others at such a worrying time for yourselves. you are all an inspiration to everyone. Love the torrens clan in belfast Xx

  7. Great news that little Maisie has been moved back 'home'.
    Today, I mentioned you to my Mum and showed your blog pages to her, to which she cried, as it brought back so many similar memories for her. She said that I had had the same issue with the duct and the lung problems, but my duct closed on its own the day before I was due to be transferred to a hospital that was over 70 miles away.

    You have been in my thoughts all day and are now in my Mum's thoughts too. Sending you and your family prayers from us both down here in Wales. Stay strong xxx

  8. You are truly amazing Maisie.So,daddy is going to be a milkman on a motorbike,that's novel.Sweet dreams beautiful baby girlxx

  9. So happy that you are doing so well Maisie, you are a wee superstar, keep up the good work and stay strong little one, God Bless, love and prayers to all xx

    1. Great news, and good to hear you are back this way. Thinking of you all, Rhona x x x


  11. Marcia Ritchie15 June 2012 at 08:49

    Hi Maisie and all her family

    I've been watching anxiously all that has happened this week and you've made it!! Lovely to know Maisie is back in Fife and Yorkhill wouldn't have let her go if they had the slightest worry. Onwards and upwards now and well done to Mum and Dad for their support to the Milk Bank!
    Lots of love and prayers too, Marcia

  12. I am so pleased to learn that Maisie is back in Fife which will make it easier for you and the rest of the family. On Tuesday Philip led the service and I asked him tp pray for Maise which he did and continues to do so and we spoke about her yesterday. I will go and see him and give him this good news. I contine to pray for Maisie's recovery. what a good idea about the breast milk and the delivery of it.Much love, Win.

  13. Auntie Cat & Uncle Alex15 June 2012 at 09:40

    Hurray for being back 'home'. Great idea about the milk. Maisie, not sure if you know but it is your Daddys 40th Birthday today, he's an old man now so you need to stay strong for the both of you!! ;) Thinking of you all xxxx

  14. Karen, Dougie, James and Lucy15 June 2012 at 10:39

    Wee Maisie, you are amazing! Happy Birthday have the best present in the world, your a very lucky man. xx

  15. Jo and I are both thinking of you. So pleased that maisie is doing so well.
    from the home of megans food!

  16. Super news that Maisie's back in Fif - my thoughts and prayers are with you all - love the idea of the motor bike milkman - definitely the fastest in the West to quote Benny Hill. Love to all, Pat Rowan

  17. Thanks for Donating to the Milk Bank, Our Volunteers working with the Milk bank will make sure that it gets around the county so that all who need it, get access to it. We would sure love to hear from Dad, as were always on the look out for new volunteers. Hope all is going well....The ScotsERVS Team,

  18. aww i been reading ur story tonight and i know exactly how u feel my little one was born at 24+3 at Forth Park Maternity Hospital (Kirkcaldy) she was 810g (1lbs12n half) liek your little fighter had the treatment for a PDA it was unsuccessful for her she started bleeding with it and surgery was discussed in the end she didnt need the surgery for it and it did close on its own eventually.. but she was sent back forth between Edinburghs Simpsons NNU then back to KDY then she ended up in Sick Kids for months and had troubles with her bowels and eyes and infections the amount of blood transfusions ect... my heart goes out to you and ur family...
