Monday 25 June 2012

Big bootees to fill

Maisies day was a little up and down, one minute her Oxygen saturation was high and then the next low, up and down it went - not drastically but enough to make her unsettled or maybe it was Maisie being unsettled that was causing the fluctuations. Maisie is such a wriggler.

Maisies oxygen supply is fairly high again as is the level of Carbon Dioxide in her blood. This isn't to much of a worry though as the Consultants only require the gas checks every 12 hours (they used to be as often as every hour).

a very proud Mummy
Maises was out and about again on Mummys chest getting more cuddles (must be Daddys turn soon).

After an hour and a half of lovely cuddles Maisie was well and truly relaxed and rested and very stable, the Kangeroo Care really works wonders. The more of this that Maisie can get the better.

Daddy got to change Maisies nappy as usual (must be Mummys turn soon) and today was a lot of fun for Maisie, Daddy changed the first one, nice and messy and while his back was turned Maisie filled the clean nappy. So Daddy got Maisie all cleaned up again and yes you've guessed it Maisie promptly filled the next nappy. No wonder she's not putting on weight. Maisie certainly knows how to keep Daddy busy.

Maisie is starting to get quite a lovely wardrobe of hand knitted outfits from some very exculsive designer labels - we will be arranging a fashion show very soon - pictures to follow.

Todays addition was a lovely pair of bootees to match a wee hat Maisie got recently - they are a little big for Maisie but fitted Mimzy the rabbit beautifully. Thank you Penny.

green to match Maisies eyes?


  1. aunty gloria and uncle johnstone (head of the family)25 June 2012 at 23:35

    Glad to see that maisie is giving mummy a cuddle and that she knows what daddy's duties are. Keep it up maisie you are the boss. Lots of love and kisses to you all.

  2. Karen, Dougie, James and Lucy26 June 2012 at 12:33

    Oh my gosh, to think that Penny thought that these booties might be too SMALL! There is also a very cute wee girls knitted dress going to make its way to Maisie too (once the shop gets a shot of it first). XX
