Friday 22 June 2012

Eye test day

Maisie had an eye test today.  All premature babies born before 32 weeks and less than 3lb 5oz (1.5kg) are at risk of ROP (retinopathy of prematurity). This condition damages or detaches the retina of the eye which can lead to reduced vision, or even blindness. It is caused by lack of Oxygen to the blood vessels in the eyes. Stevie Wonder unfortunately suffered from this. It can now be treated to reduce the damage.

The Eye Doctor gave Maisie eye drops to dilate her pupils and then checked her retinas - it was an uncomfortable experience for Maisie having a light shone in to her eyes and tired her out. This will be done every two weeks.

Good News - Maisies eyes are both good.

Maisie also had another blood transfusion today - just a top up to ensure that her haemoglobin levels are high enough to carry blood effectively. Unfortunately while Maisie is having this her food is stopped so that her fluid levels do not get to high. Don't worry though they increased her amounts of milk this evening to compensate.

Aunty Cat and Uncle Alex visited again this afternoon and read Maisie a story about a Hungary Caterpillar - a little bit cruel considering Maisie was on a fast.

Maisie looked beautiful today and she was dressed in clothes for the first time. Photo to follow.....


  1. Im really pleased the eye test went well all my love Nicola x

  2. Kasia, Adam's wife22 June 2012 at 10:15

    Fantastic news! Our fingers crossed for Maisie!

  3. great news Maisie - just catching up on your exploits! xx

  4. That's so great to hear. So lovely to hold Maisie on Wednesday too. Such special moments for you all xx
