Monday 11 June 2012

at Yorkhill Childrens Hospital

Maisie made it to Glasgow! What a lucky girl Maisie is, a bed became free and Mummy and Daddy are in Glasgow too. Maisie is staying in Yorkhill with  Mummy and Daddy just across the road in the Tiger room at Ronald MacDonald House.

The facilities at Ronald MacDonalds are great - lots of people are involved in the upkeep of this accommodation for parents. They are set up all over the UK and you can find out more at;

things seem a bit back to front in Glasgow?
Maisie is scheduled to have her operation tomorrow sometime during the afternoon. This a whole day earlier that expected, which is fantastic. It will take about 40 minutes to complete.
Maisie had a great trip to Glasgow and is now all settled,  her oxygen levels are good, as are the gases in her blood. The steriod treatment seems to be taking effect.

Maisie is also back on the old morphine which is meant to be calming her for tomorrow however she's back to being restless and fighting against anyone other than Mummy and Daddy who wants to touch her. This could be due to the fact that she is fasting ready for tomorrows operation and would rather be supping down Mummys milk.

The operation is to close Maisies PDA as all you avid readers of Maisies blog should know, however it may be interesting to know a little more about it;

A patent ductus arteriosus allows a portion of the oxygenated blood from the left heart to flow back to the lungs by flowing from the aorta (which has higher pressure) to the pulmonary artery. If this shunt is substantial, (which it is in Maisie) then the infant becomes short of breath: the additional fluid returning to the lungs increases lung pressure to the point that the neonate has greater difficulty inflating the lungs.

Not sure this helps you understand that much more but you can at least sound intelligent when you talk about Maisies operation. (I think Daddy may have done a little copy and pasting for the last paragraph)

Maisie knows all your prayers and thoughts are with her tomorrow - we'll let you all know how Maisie gets on as soon as we have news.

Taxi for Maisie!


  1. Thinking of you all and wishing for a successful procedure tomorrow. There is a candle burning in one of the churches in Lazise on Lake Garda tonight for you wee Maisie. Take care, Alison & Matthew xx

  2. Hope it all goes well tomorrow, much love to you all

  3. Auntie Eleanor and Uncle Carl11 June 2012 at 23:31

    Hope Mummy & Daddy get some rest tonight. Will be thinking about you all & praying for you, especially lovely Maisie, tomorrow.
    Lots of love.

  4. Thinking of you all. Good luck for tomorrow maisie .... you are such a wee fighter! Xx

  5. We wish all the best to Maisie and we hope the operation will go smooth. You got my number, please call for anything you may need. We live literally a few minutes walk away. Call ANY TIME while you are in Glasgow. I will try to visit you when the operation is over.

    We lit a candle to burn all night for Maisie to be strong for her operation. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Vassilis & Tulay

  6. Unc Douglas & Aunty Margaret12 June 2012 at 00:25

    Mummy & Daddy, you know that Maisie will be in good hands later today and we send our love & prayers to you all.Nite Nite Maisie xx

  7. Grandpa and Grandma Jan will12 June 2012 at 07:47

    Grandpa and Grandma Jan will be praying for you and Mummy and Daddy especially tomorrow and remember you are all loved so very much xxxxx

  8. Thinking of you loads. My italian counterpart like mum dad sis and Andrea are also sending their love and prayers. Stay strong amazing Maisie! Love xx

  9. Auntie Cat Uncle Alex12 June 2012 at 08:36

    Auntie Cat and Uncle Alex are sending lots of love up there to Glasgow. Stay strong all of you and we will wait avidly for the news of success later today xxx

  10. Maisie's first trip to the big city! Next time ask mummy to show you all the best shoe shops (better get used to it daddy!). All our thoughts and prayers are with you Maisie Croker. Stay strong little one. Sending big hugs to mummy and daddy too. The Byrnes. x

  11. Wishing you all well for tomorrow.Tell mummy and daddy to relax, you're in great hands at Yorkhill. Were all thinking of you down here in Devon. Don't stay too long in Weegieland, you're far better off on the East Coast!
    Stay strong. Lots of love Scott, Liz, Erin, Caitlin, Heather and Poppy

  12. Hope very much that all went well with the operation, our thoughts are with you. Margaret, Wendy, Lynn & families.

  13. I am thinking of you all and send you energy for tomorrow!!! And little Maisie -Sweet dreams,sleep tight and don't let any one bite...otherwise we have to get Megan (your dog) in ,to sort them out and that might be tricky...
    Big Hug to you all X Camilla

  14. Thinking of you all and sending our love and prayers from Herringthorpe United Reformed Church and from us personally Pauline and Alex

  15. Thinking about you all with love from the Brogans x x

  16. Karen, Dougie, James and Lucy12 June 2012 at 22:32

    Praying my hardest that everything has gone well, and that you will all be home in San Monan very soon. x

  17. This candle was burning for you Maisie, with all our love and wishes.

    Tulay & Vassilis
