Saturday 18 May 2013

Not much going on this week..................but there should have been.

While playing with Maisie the other morning Daddy suddenly realised that he had forgotten to take her to the childrens development centre on Monday morning.

The one chance Daddy and Maisie have to play with other children of Maisie's age and poor old Maisie is denied this chance by her old forgetful Dad (Baby Brain.).  There will be no forgetting this coming Monday!

"having a baby sitter should be more fun than this shouldn't it?" 

Zach baby sat for Maisie on Thursday morning as Daddy was down in Edinburgh. It did come to Mummy and Daddy's attention (when they found the above picture ) that Zach may have drafted in some support as he doesn't own a pink tablet - well not that we know of.  Thank you for your help Lucy.

It is going to be a busy weekend for Maisie as there is already a big pile of presents and cards for her to open - the postman has been working very hard over the last few days.

It's hard to believe that Maisie is one year old this weekend. At times this has seemed like a very long year but to think that a year has passed since Amazing Maisie arrived in our lives, time has flown by very quickly.

"look what I've got! 

We think Maisie's Amazing while Maisie thinks that it's Cheesy Puffs that are Amazing. 

1 comment:

  1. Your old auntie!18 May 2013 at 19:47

    Daddy says he is a 'Baby Brain'. What a cheek! Babies are not that silly!! xxxxxx
