Tuesday 6 August 2013

first birthday

Daddy is determined to get his blog up to date and now only has a week to catch up on.

After a relaxing Tuesday Maisie's busy schedule recommenced. Last Wednesday, the 31st Maisie had a birthday party to attend;

Mummy dressed Maisie in a party frock

It was the 1st Birthday of Innes, who was another of Maisie's roommates from the hospital, this was Maisie's first proper birthday party she'd been invited to. 

"it's not fair, I gave Innes a card with a gift and he takes my toys!"

It was a lovely gathering and Maisie really enjoyed meeting all the other children - Thank you for the invite. 

The whole party almost sitting still for a group photo. 

Maisie has seen a lot of children over the last week and it was very noticeable that she was taking in everything around her. Usually Maisie doesn't get to meet so many other children due to risk of infection. Luckily with the great weather nobody is ill at the moment (apart from someone who was missed from the BBQ) so Maisie hasn't been in a position to catch the lurgy . 

Mummy and Daddy will need to remember to be more careful as winter comes upon us. 

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