Monday 10 June 2013

Maisie is packing on the pounds and is even starting to look a little bit chubby. The health visitor weighed Maisie and she has put on 1lb 3oz  and weighs 15lbs 11oz or 7.13kgs.

Maisie may be gaining weight but she is not varying her diet. Porridge is still the favorite. She'll have a little  cauliflower cheese but is still not to interested in trying many other different tastes. Toast is sometimes taken along with a rusk, apples and other fruits are just just seen as toys, as are carrot sticks which is disappointing as everyone knows orange food is good for you;

"mmm orange food"

Mummy let it slip that she had fed Maisie a whole packet of cheesy puffs one afternoon - no wonder Maisie is getting a little rounder. Food seems to have been a recurring theme for Maisie this week;

"thank you for the chocolate buttons Joshua
but I think I'd prefer your Milkybar"
"these noodles are great daddy but the blue one is bit chewy"!

 Maisie and Daddy had a sleepover on Saturday night, the alarms were not as bad as usual and both Daddy and Maisie got a little more sleep than usual. Maisie's oxygen saturation was good when she got wired up so it was decided to try to turn the oxygen flow down to 0.1l but then Maisie's saturation levels dropped so it was back up to 0.2l.

Maisie is happy to sleep on her side but still will not roll over for the physio

Maisie saw the consultant on Sunday morning who explained that the real need for Maisie to have the oxygen is to help her grow - she's doing that just with the cheesy puffs that Mummy is feeding her.

It seemed that Maisie actually remembered where she was when she arrived at the hospital - there must have been a wee flashback going on in Maisie's head.

Sunday was a very special day for Maisie as this was the first time that she got to meet the "head of the family" - Grand Uncle Johnstone and Grand Aunty Gloria came all the way from Wales to visit.

Maisie was trying very hard to be on her best behaviour

It was a lovely day so after a spot of lunch everyone went on a walk around the village finishing up at the East Pier Smokehouse for ice cream - although Daddy would have preferred the smoked langoustinesh.

Not to miss out of course Maisie took the opportunity to sample ice cream for the first time and decided to add it to her very small and exclusive list of food she likes.

It was then back home for more fun and games with her Grand Aunty's;

"I don't think that we can all fit on my playmat Aunty"

 followed by more precious cuddles;

Monday it was back to Maisie's wee playgroup at the Childrens Development Centre - there was lots of singing and playing and fun with her new friends - it is so great to see Maisie interacting with other wee ones.

It's another busy week for Maisie,
Tuesday it a visit to the health centre at lunch time although unfortunately for Maisie there will not be any food just the needles for her immunisations.
There's a visit from Nanny T on Wednesday followed by the Physio

The rest of the week Maisie will be getting ready for a busy weekend - Daddy's birthday on Saturday and then Fathers day on Sunday, it's a good job Maisie has a healthy bank account as this could be an expensive weekend for her.

"Don't tell Megan but I like her bed - it's very comfortable"

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