Tuesday 22 January 2013

first appointment

It's a busy week for Maisie and today was the first of many appointments. It was back to the hospital in Kirkcaldy.

Before seeing the eye doctor Maisie popped into the the Special Care Baby Unit for some eye drops. It was lovely to see all the nurses that had looked after Maisie again. They all said that she was beautiful and looking more like Mummy. There was also a bit of reminiscing about the day Maisie arrived on the SCBU ward - she's so much bigger and stronger.

Maisie's strength showed itself at the appointment with the eye doctor. As you will have seen in previous pictures Daddy has to hold Maisie in order to have the pictures of her eyes taken. This was a lot easier when Maisie was wee but now she's very capable of resistance.

Maisie threw a wee tantrum and even with Daddy swaddling her she managed to kick out and push away from the Optos equipment. Maisie was also much more interested in looking at the screen with the pictures of her eyes rather than looking into the camera.

In the end Maisie fell asleep - all the fighting must have tired her out. Daddy was amazed that Maisie was actually sleeping during the day and the eye doctor took advantage of Maisie's serenity and ended up with some decent pictures.

Maisie's eyes are looking great and her next appointment with the eye doctor will be in 6-8 weeks - Good News!

Wednesday it's back to the hospital to meet with the dietitian and then the consultant. Another busy day ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Good news about Maisie's eyes. Good luck today. Win x
