Saturday, 15 September 2012

the frog blog

Maisie had a very settled night and seemed well rested this afternoon. Maisie is still having some oxygen de-sats however she is rectifying most of them on her own. Maisie's oxygen supply is ranging between 0.2 litres and 0.3 litres which is a little higher than the consultants would like.

It will take a wee while for the medication to work if it is reflux that is causing Maisie her problems at the moment. Hopefully over the next few days we will start to see a change.

Maisie has put on more weight which is not surprising with all Mummy's milk she has been guzzling. Maisie is 6lbs 6.5oz - 2.875kg.

The little froggie with her protector - the "Frogfather" 


  1. Nice matching outfits....., great news about Maisie moving into the teddy bears room. See you in the morning..... The Wardy's xxx

  2. Auntie Cat Uncle Alex16 September 2012 at 09:37

    I'm loving the outfits you look so good together!!! Good news that you've moved to teddy bears corner. Can't wait for you to get home and your Auntie Cat and Uncle Alex will be visiting soon for proper cuddles. Xxxxx

  3. Love the froggie photo and matching outfits.Maybe the teddy room should become a froggy room. I hope Maisie has had another good night, Win x

  4. I think this is child abuse lol but she is very cute xx Jeana
