Monday, 10 September 2012

lots of visitors and gifts

Maisie's Aunty Melanie and Uncle Vitor visited with Maisie's cousins Jasmine, Christiano and Alejandro. They came bearing gifts, more clothes, a lovely doll and a fantastic handmedown of a Silver Cross Carrycot/Buggy/Child seat - Thank you so much.

My Amazing Maisie being spoiled again!

Uncle Carl and Aunty Eleanor also visited and spoiled Mummy and Daddy with coffee and cake.

Maisie spent most of the afternoon sleeping which was a shame for her visitors. Once they had all left Maisie spent the rest of the day having cuddles and feeds from Mummy while Daddy read Maisie stories.

Maisie continues to be well and as someone commented previously she is "so lovely and round and sturdy" at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Another good day, wonderful, getting nearer to coming home one day sooner rather than later I hope. Go Maisie go! you'll get there. love and prayers, Win x
