Saturday, 8 September 2012

getting ready

Maisie is still growing and weighs 6lbs 2.5oz which is 2.8kgs. Maisie is back to on demand feeding which is getting fed whenever Maisie asks. The nurses tell us that Maisie is loving her food.

Uncle Douglas and Aunty Margaret popped by and delivered a whole sack of handmedowns from their beautiful grand daughter Nicole - Daddy is wondering how he will fit another wardrobe into Maisie's room. Thank you so much (and keep them coming).

Maisie's oxygen is still at 0.2 litres although Maisie is having a few de-saturations when she starts feeding. Maisie needs to learn to swallow and breath at the same time.

"Check me out! I'm ready to go outside with
my jacket knitted by my next door neighbour" 

1 comment:

  1. Maisie you are looking amazing! I'm back in the country so I will be paying a visit soon- maybe you will be in your nice new bedroom then? Everyone back home sends their love, especially Attilio, Aurora and Andrea (just realised their names all start with A..).

    Love to you all- xxxx
