Thursday, 27 September 2012

checking out some sounds

Maisie saw the dreaded eye doctor who told Mummy and Daddy that the blood vessels in her eyes didn't look as "angry" as they were last week. It is still not clear which way the blood vessels will grow so the eye doctor will keep a close eye on Maisie's eyes and will visit again next week.

Now that Maisie is on the new high energy milk she has been referred to a Dietitian for a review to make sure that Maisie is getting the correct diet for the optimum growth. More on this once they have met.

DJ Maisie checking out some sounds

Maisie had her hearing test which went well, hearing is good in both ears! 

"Daddy, I hear all  the nurses say I recognise your voice so
why do I need to go through all this if they already know I can hear?"

Tomorrow is hopefully the "Car Seat Challenge."

1 comment:

  1. Poor wee Maisie, she looks like an astronaut ready to go off to space with all that sound gear on her head. Fingers crossed that the eye doctor is happy next week and all goes well trying out the car seat today. Have a good day Maisie. Lots of love, Win x
