Friday, 28 September 2012

oxygen has arrived

A man arrived at Mummy and Daddy's house with an oxygen concentrator machine with a long tube that Maisie will be attached to so that she can travel around the whole house when she gets home. The man also provided  a back up oxygen cylinder in case the machine breaks down and smaller cylinders so that Maisie can go for walks with Daddy and Megan.

Daddy got all the training required and is sure that Mummy, Zach and Meghan are looking forward to the training session that he's arranging for them.

Maisie's dietitian visited and gave Maisie an eating regime - the dietitian is coming back to see Mummy and Daddy as they weren't there for the meeting and don't yet know what was agreed best for Maisie.

Zonked out after a good feed

While Maisie was breast feeding a specialist came to visit to investigate Maisie's hernia, he said he'd pop back to see her in the evening. He was a little earlier that Mummy and Daddy thought (is 5pm evening or late afternoon?) so he too will need to revisit as when he came back Maisie, Mummy and Daddy were all in the WRVS cafe having coffee and shortbread (probably not on Maisie's agreed diet).

Maisie loving her handmedowns! 
A wee girl popped to the Special Care Baby Unit today who had just turned 1 year old. She was also born at 25 weeks old and was visiting the nurses as she had just been taken off her oxygen - lucky girl. While visiting she left a carry bag for the portable cylinders which was given to Maisie, Thank you.

Mummy and Daddy are all booked in to stay over at the hospital next weekend, Daddy will stay over on Saturday night and Mummy on Sunday. If all goes well Maisie will come home on Monday 8th October!

We need all your prayers.

There was no time for the car seat challenge today so Maisie will hopefully sit the test on Saturday.


  1. We've got everything crossed in the Wardy household. Keep well amazing Maisie, can't wait to see you in your lovely nursery at home. Xx

  2. Lovely photos and brilliant news about the 8th.
    Lots of love and prayers,
    Win x

  3. This is so exciting, will keep up the prayers. Look forward to meeting you Maisie.
    Love Karen, Dougie, James and Lucy xx

  4. Thats such amazing news and my prayers are always with you allxxx

  5. Auntie Eleanor and Uncle Carl29 September 2012 at 18:02

    Great news! We are all praying for Maisie and the family. Love as always. x x x x
