Wednesday 18 July 2012


Maisie has put more weight on; 45g and now weighs 1.3kg or 2lbs 12oz. When Maisie gets to 1.5kg she may get out of the incubator into a heated cot.

Maisie was once again a little naughty and exploded at both ends this morning all over the nice nurse that was looking after her. This could be due to the medicine that Maisie is taking upsetting her stomach a little. Nice clean nappies for Daddy today though :)

Maisie's oxygen supply is at 90% and her heart rate still a bit high but the doctors are not to worried about that at the moment.

Maisie enjoyed Aunty Rhona's wee owls with all the rattles and colours hopefully giving Maisie the stimulation she requires. Maisie got out for more cuddles and was very active, quite a wriggler today and when she got back to bed looked like she was doing some Pilates moves.

Maisie is stable at the moment, we just need patience and she will  grow.

Here's another picture to show how wee our Amazing Miracle is;

Phenomenal - My Amazing Maisie

(for overseas readers Irn Bru is the number one soft drink in Scotland; can size the same as a Cola)


  1. good news on the progress - your Daddy is trying everything he can to add some ginger colour into your incubator , love to you all , brian x

  2. Auntie Eleanor18 July 2012 at 23:07

    Glad you enjoyed playing with the owls, Maisie. Good news on the weight. Love to all. x x x x

  3. Good news about the weight. Maisie you are a little super star!! Love to you all. xxx

  4. Pleased to hear about the weight gain. Hang in there Maisie, you are getting there.
    Love Win x

  5. Nice clean nappies for Daddy?!! Bit soon for Maisie to be hittin' the BRU x Love & best from Adam & Su

  6. Auntie Cat Uncle Alex19 July 2012 at 21:18

    Love the photo...... We've been waiting for that. I'm so happy we can see her beautiful face. Sending lots of love. Xxx
